- 3
‘cozy-light install-distro personal-cloud‘ fails: `Cannot find module 'internal/fs'`?
#88 opened by fasiha - 9
CalDAV/CarDAV synchronization
#82 opened by dejj - 6
- 3
plugin, apps, should be configurable
#35 opened by maboiteaspam - 1
- 1
coding style: early exit vs deep nested.
#84 opened by simpzan - 2
[cozy-files] Download folder as zip broken
#83 opened by hominhquan - 1
- 2
Fix tests and build checkup
#79 opened by nicodel - 9
- 9
Install fail on RPi
#76 opened by y-lohse - 3
Multiple users?
#74 opened by runvnc - 3
Error when trying to install a distro
#71 opened by nicodel - 5
Update / Install fails through npm on RPI
#70 opened by nicodel - 2
Contacts export results in cozy-light stopping
#62 opened by marthjod - 30
Make Cozy Light daemonizable
#51 opened by frankrousseau - 9
- 2
code style
#56 opened by maboiteaspam - 8
Split cozy-light in several files
#34 opened by frankrousseau - 6
cozy-light install-distro personal-cloud failed
#64 opened by markh8888 - 2
Document how to port a cozy app to cozy-light
#61 opened by bnjbvr - 2
Add Cozy Emails to the Cozy Light app list
#58 opened by frankrousseau - 4
- 4
Can't install cozy-labs/cozy-files (node v0.10.29)
#59 opened by danc - 2
callback called twice
#53 opened by maboiteaspam - 4
Missing libs dependencies
#55 opened by bastienvinh - 2
Fix Cozy Dashboard
#54 opened by frankrousseau - 0
- 0
Add uninstall-all command
#52 opened by frankrousseau - 11
Put back lightweight dashboard
#33 opened by frankrousseau - 5
Write missing tests
#27 opened by frankrousseau - 3
needs to publish npm package
#48 opened by maboiteaspam - 9
#40 opened by maboiteaspam - 1
New distribution: Hoodie stack
#46 opened by frankrousseau - 1
New distributon: MEAN stack
#45 opened by frankrousseau - 1
should be able to disable app
#21 opened by maboiteaspam - 3
maboiteaspam as Core Contributor
#44 opened by frankrousseau - 3
CI for windows users
#36 opened by maboiteaspam - 11
- 4
Automatic refresh of the dashboard
#20 opened by frankrousseau - 0
Hot app installing doesn't work anymore
#32 opened by frankrousseau - 0
Make tests ok
#31 opened by frankrousseau - 7
- 1
- 0
- 3
Move inline HTML to template files
#15 opened by frankrousseau - 7
- 2
error: unknown option `--port'
#3 opened by maboiteaspam