- 0
Allow to set application Timeout
#43 opened by clochix - 0
Use delete instead of del
#42 opened by clochix - 3
middlewares stopped being bundled with Express
#34 opened by maxlath - 1
HTTPS support
#35 opened by aenario - 3
Cannot set env value
#33 opened by r3dlin3 - 12
Error handling broken
#28 opened by aenario - 0
Built jade files
#31 opened by aenario - 1
Start function callback should be called with an error object as first argument
#30 opened by frankrousseau - 3
Changing plugins integration
#7 opened by jsilvestre - 4
- 1
Changing the way configuration is defined
#23 opened by jsilvestre - 1
Real hook system
#24 opened by jsilvestre - 0
Using mount point in configuration
#26 opened by jsilvestre - 7
Moved to express 4
#21 opened by jsilvestre - 6
- 7
- 1
Removing "async" from Americano
#14 opened by jsilvestre - 2
- 2
config file path and default config file
#8 opened by Piour