Featured packed PHP class for BunnyCDN pull zone, storage zone and video streaming API
- 0
Sending large files to stream sotrage
#39 opened by Mohamed5550 - 0
Use a prs-7 http client instead of (only) curl
#38 opened by tacman - 0
Error in single high size video file.
#16 opened by andwiseb - 2
- 1
Does 1.9.5 contains the new fileExists() ?
#32 opened by gb5256 - 1
folderExists not working?
#33 opened by gb5256 - 3
Is there a smart fileExists method?
#30 opened by gb5256 - 2
Bunny CDN Stream upload encoding failed
#23 opened by InfinityXTech - 0
- 1
purgeCache returns always a 400
#25 opened by gb5256 - 0
- 3
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Not logged in (ftp_login) failed
#9 opened by tarzanking - 3
Which PHP version to use?
#8 opened by Zebraslive - 2
Composer support?
#4 opened by macbookandrew