pfixtools is a suite of tools aiming at complementing postfix, to make it even more customizable, while keeping really high performance levels. This is in particular why all the major Postfix Tools are written in plain C.
This suite contains at the time of the writing, two major tools.
this daemon brings SRS to postfix using its tcp_table(5) or socketmap_table(5) mechanisms. It allows plugging
into canonical(5) or transport(5) rewrites quite easily. postlicyd
this is a postfix policy daemon. It includes greylisting, rbl lookups, counters, SMTP session tracking, in a way that allow very fine grained schemes. It’s for example quite easy to reject a mail just at the
command using results from filtering done at theRCPT TO
or even theMAIL FROM
commands.Its configuration file is described in postlicyd.conf.
The sources are availble from github.
version 0.9 (September 22th, 2012)
latest sources: pfixtools snapshot
from git:
git clone
Previous versions (see [browser:ChangeLog]):
version 0.8 (October 22th, 2009)
version 0.7 (September 15th, 2009)
version 0.6 (February 26th, 2009)
version 0.5 (November 11th, 2008)
version 0.4 (October 17th, 2008)
The pfixtools have been currently successfully compiled and installed on the following platorms:
Linux: gentoo, debian etch, debian lenny, arch linux, centos 6.x
MacOS X 10.5 (Leopard), 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Known bugs:
dns lookup crashed on debian lenny due to a bug in the version of libunbound shipped in the distribution. A workaround is to manually install a more recent version of the library (known to work with libunbound 1.4).
Other platforms might work with some Makefile tuning if gcc is available.
The following libraries are required to build and run the pfixtools:
tokyocabinet (
only) -
libunbound (
only) -
libpcre (
The following are build-time dependencies:
gcc: 4.0 or later
pkg-config (
only) -
gperf (
only) -
xmlto, docbook-xsl and asciidoc to build the documentation (this is only a stub of documentation)
To install the pfixtools, just run make all doc
and sudo make install
If you don’t want to compile all the tools, you can run make toolname
and sudo make install-toolname
. You can also specify the installation prefix and a sandbox path sudo make install prefix=/my/prefix DESTDIR=/my/sandbox
These programs are free softwares distributed AS IS. Please refer to the LICENSE file for details.
Pierre Habouzit (c) 2006-2009: common library, pfix-srsd
Florent Bruneau (c) 2008-2010: common library, postlicyd
Aymeric Augustin (c) 2008: postgrey to postlicyd tool
Nicolas Aupetit (c) 2008: debian packaging
Vincent Zanotti (c) 2009: build fixes
Michael Scherer (c) 2009: build fixes
Jason Woods 2013: socketmap protocol / socketfiles and others