Details about the components, assembly steps and software for FishOASIS Camera described in Pagniello et al. (2021) in Oceanography.

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FishOASIS Camera

This repository contains instructions on how to build the camera of FishOASIS (Fish Optical and passive Acoustic Sensor Identification System) described in the DIY Oceanography article "An Optical Imaging System for Capturing Images in Low-Light Aquatic Habitats Using Only Ambient Light".

Citation: Pagniello, C.M.L.S., J. Butler, A. Rosen, A. Sherwood, P.L.D. Roberts, P.E. Parnell, J.S. Jaffe, and A. Širovic. 2021. An optical imaging system for capturing images in low-light aquatic habitats using only ambient light. Oceanography 34(3), https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2021.305.


Specific instructions on how to assemble the hardware components of the FishOASIS camera can be found here.


Specific instructions on how to install the software required for FishOASIS camera on the Raspberry Pi A+ can be found here.


Specific instructions on how to prepare the FishOASIS camera for deployment can be found here.