
Purdue's Rekor monitor

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Rekor Log Monitor

Rekor Log Monitor provides an easy-to-use monitor to verify log consistency, that the log is immutability and append-only. Monitoring is critical to the transparency log ecosystem, as logs are tamper-evident but not tamper-proof.

To run, create a GitHub Actions workflow that uses the reusable monitoring workflow. It is recommended to run the log monitor every hour for optimal performance.

Example workflow:

name: Rekor log monitor
    - cron: '0 * * * *' # every hour

permissions: read-all

      contents: read # Needed to checkout repositories
      issues: write # Needed if you set "file_issue: true"
      id-token: write # Needed to detect the current reusable repository and ref
    uses: sigstore/rekor-monitor/.github/workflows/reusable_monitoring.yml@main
      file_issue: true # Strongly recommended: Files an issue on monitoring failure
      artifact_retention_days: 14 # Optional, default is 14: Must be longer than the cron job frequency


  • The log monitoring job should not be run concurrently with other log monitoring jobs in the same repository
  • If running as a cron job, artifact_retention_days must be longer than the cron job frequency

Identity monitoring

You can also specify a list of identities to monitor. Currently, only identities from the certificate's Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field will be matched, and only for the hashedrekord Rekor entry type.

Note: The log monitor only starts monitoring from the latest checkpoint. If you want to search previous entries, you will need to query the log.

Example workflow below:

name: Rekor log and identity monitor
    - cron: '0 * * * *' # every hour

permissions: read-all

      contents: read # Needed to checkout repositories
      issues: write # Needed if you set "file_issue: true"
      id-token: write # Needed to detect the current reusable repository and ref
    uses: sigstore/rekor-monitor/.github/workflows/reusable_monitoring.yaml@main
      file_issue: true # Strongly recommended: Files an issue on monitoring failure
      artifact_retention_days: 14 # Optional, default is 14: Must be longer than the cron job frequency
      identities: |
          - certSubject: user@domain.com
          - certSubject: otheruser@domain.com
              - https://accounts.google.com
              - https://github.com/login
          - subject@domain.com
          - A0B1C2D3E4F5

In this example, the monitor will log:

  • Entries that contain a certificate whose SAN is user@domain.com
  • Entries whose SAN is otheruser@domain.com and the OIDC provider specified in a custom extension matches one of the specified issuers (Google or GitHub in this example)
  • Non-certificate entries, such as PGP or SSH keys, whose subject matches subject@domain.com
  • Entries whose key or certificate fingerprint matches A0B1C2D3E4F5

Fingerprint values are as follows:

  • For keys, certificates, and minisign, hex-encoded SHA-256 digest of the DER-encoded PKIX public key or certificate
  • For SSH and PGP, the standard for each ecosystem:
    • For SSH, unpadded base-64 encoded SHA-256 digest of the key
      • For PGP, hex-encoded SHA-1 digest of a key, which can be either a primary key or subkey

Upcoming features:

  • Creating issues when identities are found
  • Support for other identities
    • CI identity values in Fulcio certificates


Please report any vulnerabilities following Sigstore's security process.