
Compare to Two Rock John Mayer Signature

The Tone Geek | Fairfield County Signature Project

Documentation and resources for my Fairfield County Signature project. Compare the project to a Two-Rock John Mayer Signature. This ReadMe is more or less a table of contents for all of the information about the build in a single place versus replicated information that is at risk of being out of sync between my website and GitHub.

  • Build Resources
  • BOMs and component selections
  • Customizeable Faceplate Information
  • Corrections
  • Google Photo Album 100+ pictures and videos of builds in progress and completed.
  • 1:1 PDF of the circuit boards for test fitment
  • FAQ & Conversations with builders

GitHub Folder Contents

**Chassis **https://github.com/colganr/tr-jm-signature/tree/master/Chassis

  • 1:1 printable PDF of suggested chassis cutouts in a 19" chassis

**Faceplate **https://github.com/colganr/tr-jm-signature/tree/master/Faceplate

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