
Get logs from the running processes

Primary LanguageGo


Under construction

Clearlog Agent

Clearlog Agent is responsible to listen the STOUT and STDERR of the processes and send the logs to a remote server.

Development Notes

Test it locally

Run the following command in order to build and run the docker image with an example http server

docker build --rm -t clagent:v1 .

How to start the agent

Using UDP

    $ cd cmd/clagent
    $ go build && ./clagent \
        -token=AR-c12d47f5-22a3-459d-bb43-bc1273fdeb97 \
        -udp=true \
        -ignoreKillSimilarProcess=false \ 

single line go build && ./clagent -token=AR-c12d47f5-22a3-459d-bb43-bc1273fdeb97 -udp=true -ignoreKillSimilarProcess=false -baseUrl=http://localhost:3001