This project contains IndexTank ( search engine implementation. Includes features like variables (boosts), categories (facets), faceted search, snippeting, custom scoring functions, suggest, and autocomplete.
Find out more about at: TBD
Apache Public License (APL) 2.0
- engine-1.0.0.jar <-- core library
groupId: com.flaptor.indextank
artifactId: engine
version: 1.0.0
Build a single jar containing all dependencies by:
mvn package assembly:single
This will create a single file in:
Main class: com.flaptor.indextank.index.IndexEngine
VM args: -verbose:gc -Xloggc:logs/gc.log -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -Xmx600M
Program args: --facets --rti-size 500 --conf-file sample-engine-config --port 20220 --environment-prefix TEST --recover --dir index --snippets --suggest documents --boosts 3 --index-code dgmqn --functions 0:-age
Sample engine configuration file contents: { "max_variables": 3, "functions": {"0": "-age"}, "index_code": "dgmqn", "allows_facets": true, "ram": 600, "log_server_host": "index123.localhost", "autocomplete": true, "log_server_port": 15100, "autocomplete_type": "documents", "allows_snippets": true, "rti_size": 500, "facets_bits": 5, "base_port": 20220, "log_based_storage": false, "xmx": 600 }
Set up Eclipse for this project by executing the command below:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
Inside Eclipse, select Preferences > Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables. Define a new classpath variable M2_REPO and assign maven repository.
For more information, check out