Note: This is the same as the original ros_numpy package by eric-wieser just edited to be OS independent and installable using pip. Loosely tested, but works perfectly on Windows and Ubuntu for "numpifying" PointCloud2 and Image messages from bag files.
pip install rosnumpy
import ros_numpy
import sensor_msgs
def get_pc_from_ros_pc2_msg(msg):
""" Returns point-cloud as a structured numpy array.
Note: can be used with any topic of message type 'sensor_msgs/PointCloud2'
msg.__class__ = sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud2
return ros_numpy.numpify(msg)
pc_array = get_pc_from_pc2_msg(msg)
import ros_numpy
import sensor_msgs
def get_img_from_ros_image_msg(msg):
""" Returns image as a numpy array.
Note: can be used with any topic of message type 'sensor_msgs/Image'
msg.__class__ = sensor_msgs.msg.Image
return ros_numpy.numpify(msg)
img_array = get_img_from_ros_image_msg(msg)
import rosbag
bag_path = r'path to .bag file here'
bag = rosbag.Bag(bag_path)
for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=['/PointCloud2_topic_here']):
pc_array = get_pc_from_pc2_msg(msg)