

Makers Acadamy group project to make an AirBnb Clone


Asia Ellis Chris Wood Shaun Low Vish Mayer

Application Overview

  • Sinatra based server
  • PSQL database accessed through 'pg' gem
  • JavaScript front end (jQuery)

How to Install

The webapp has been developed on Sinatra, a rack based platform, so to install clone this repo, make sure Homebrew and Ruby 2.6.5 is installed then:

  • move to the project root directory in terminal
  • run gem install bundle
  • run bundle
  • run gem install rake
  • run rake
  • run rackup to start server on localhost port 9292

The rake command will install the DBMS 'postgresql', install required gems, remove any old Makersbnb databases and then create new ones for the project.

Customer Requirements

User Stories

Must haves

General Site Features
As a user
So that I can rent out a property
I want to be able to list a space
As a user
So that I can provide an accurate representation of my space
I want to be able to the following to my listing: Name, short description, price per night
As a user
So that I can manage my letting
I want to be able to select a range of dates where the space is available
As a user
So that I can rent a space
I want to be able to see all the listed spaces
As a user
So that I see spaces available over my selected dates
I want to be able to filter spaces by date and duration of stay
As a user
So that I see when a space is available
I want to be able see all available dates for a specific space
As a user
So that book a space over a date
I want to be able to request a booking
As a user
So that I approve lettings
I want to be notified and confirm when a user requests to let my space
Login / Signup
As a user
So I can use the site and manage bookings
I want to be able to sign up
As a user
So that I can access my account
I want to be able to login
As a client
So that unregistered users can't book I want to hide booking buttons until user has logged in
As a user
So that I know that I'm logged in
I want to see my username in the header

Desirable Requirements

As a user
So I know that I've signed up
I want an email confirmation that I've signed up
As a user
So I know that I've created a space
I want an email confirmation that I've created a space
As a user
So I know that I've updated my space
I want an email confirmation that I've updated my space
As a user
So I know that I've made a booking request
I want an email notifying me of the request
As a user
So I know that I've received a booking request
I want an email notifying me of the request, with a link to confirm or deny
As a user
So I know that my booking request has been confirmed
I want an email confirmation that my booking secure
As a user
So I know that my booking request has denied
I want an email confirmation that my booking is rejected
Text Messages
As a user
So I know that I've recieved a booking request on the fly
I want to recieve a text message notifying me of the request
As a user
So I know that my booking request has been confirmed on the fly
I want an text confirmation that my booking secure
As a user
So I know that my booking request has been denied on the fly
I want an text confirmation that my booking is rejected
Chat Functionality
As a user
So that I can talk to my client or space owner
I want to be able to create a chat with them online
As a user
So that I know what I've said to a client or space owner
I want to be able to be able to see previous chat history
As a user
So that I can chat to a client
I want a online chat to be automatically made after a booking is confirmed
As a user
So that I can pay for a listing after confirmation
I want to be able to pay through Stripe