
Calculate Scores for Ten Pin Bowling

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Bowling Scorecard Challenge

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Makers Academy weekend challenge to single page webapp, which allows a user to add in bowling scores from a game, then automatically calculates the total score.

How to Install


The webapp has been developed on Ruby Sinatra, a rack based platform, so to install make sure you have the following installed:

  • RVM (follow instructions here)
  • Ruby 2.6.5 (rvm install 2.6.5)
  • Bundler 2+ (gem install bundler)

Install Application

Then clone or download this repository, move to root directory and run bundle install to install the application for all environments.

How to Run the Tests

After install, to check the application is working correctly navigate to the root directory and run the tests using the following command:


How to Start the Server

The default application server is Puma. The application is currently configured to listen for requests on a unix socket shared/sockets/puma.sock. To change this to listen on the localhost, edit the puma configuration file config/puma.rb, commenting out the line starting with bind ... and un-commenting the line starting with port ..., selecting the port you wish to host on.

To start the server, navigate to the root directory and run the following command:


Development Process

User Stories

Generate user stories from project requirements:

As a user
So I can thoughtlessly keep track of my bowling score
I want to visit a webpage and enter my scores
As a user
So I can see if I'm better than my friends
I want to my total score to be displayed at the end of a game
As a user
So I can keep playing my favorite game
I want to be able to restart my game without reloading the page
As a user
So I can't make a mistake in entering my point
I only want the option to add score which reflects previous rolls in the frame
As a project manager
To ensure continuous integration
I want Travis CI to test my builds before adding them to github
As a client
So I can sell my product
I want some cool animation added to to the site

Bowling Rules

Bowling has a number of scoring rules which must followed in order to calculate the correct total score for the game. The rules follow for this webapp scorecard model are those listed here: Bowling Rules

Extract Scope

  • Single page webapp, server based off Sinatra with functionality provided by JavaScript
  • Page displays one game at a time with option to start --> complete --> restart
  • Scores calculated as game progresses - follow official bowling rules
  • No need to maintain persistence between page refreshes
  • Buttons to add score value dynamically change depending on previous roll
  • Animation to make site look pretty (provide as much as time allocation allows)
  • Travis CI to build, ESlint, and run Jasmine + RSpec tests


  • Controllers:
    • Sinatra: app_controller - controls routes, views, and server side models
    • JavaScript: gameController - Updates JavaScript models and views with user input
  • Views:
    • Sinatra: homepage - single page HTML including all JavaScript required for functionality
    • JavaScript: gameView - updates each section of HTML with new information from controller
  • Models:
    • Sinatra: nil - no server side models required at this stage
    • JavaScript: frameModel - calculates scores to be added returned to view

Create Application

Plan model functionality and how system will interact on paper to develop a working design.


  • Create file structure
  • Add required Gemfile and Rakefile


  • Feature test infrastructure and to create working webapp
  • Test and develop JavaScript with Jasmine test suite
    • FrameModel
      • (possible refactor to join all prototypes etc)
    • GameView
      • (how to test jQuery using mocks?)
      • (Add animation and end screen games)
    • GameController
      • (still requires gameModel extracting from controller)
      • (add functionality to replace strikes and spares with X and /)
      • (tests required)
  • Develop HTML along with GameView
    • (requires refactor of id and class details to make selection more streamlined)
    • (CSS can be improved)


This application is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License