
Sinatra based rock paper scissors game

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

RPS Challenge

     _______             _______                _______
|---'   ____)       |---'   ____)____      |---'   ____)____
|      (_____)      |          ______)     |          ______)
|      (_____)      |         _______)     |       __________)
|      (____)       |         _______)     |      (____)
|---.__(___)        |---.__________)       |---.__(___)


Makers Academy weekend challenge to create a simple webapp using Ruby Sinatra, allowing a user to play Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard against an opponent or computer.

How to Install


The webapp has been developed on Ruby Sinatra, a rack based platform, so to install make sure you have the following installed:

  • RVM (follow instructions here)
  • Ruby 2.6.5 (rvm install 2.6.5)
  • Bundler 2+ (gem install bundler)

Install Application

Then clone or download this repository, move to root directory and run bundle install to install the application for all environments.

How to Run the Tests

After install, to check the application is working correctly navigate to the root directory and run the tests using the following command:


How to Start the Server

The default application server is Puma. The application is currently configured to listen for requests on a unix socket shared/sockets/puma.sock. To change this to listen on the localhost, edit the puma configuration file config/puma.rb, commenting out the line starting with bind ... and un-commenting the line starting with port ..., selecting the port you wish to host on.

To start the server, navigate to the root directory and run the following command:


Application Design Process

Customer Requirements

Base requirements

As a marketeer
So that I can see my name in lights
I would like to register my name before playing an online game
As a marketeer
So that I can enjoy myself away from the daily grind
I would like to be able to play rock/paper/scissors

Additional Requirements

Mutliplayer mode
Two players can play against eachother in the game
Extended Rock Paper Scissors
Extended game to play Rock, Paper, Scissors, Spock, Lizard


Extract Scope

Using customer requirements and

  • Inital page allowing user select single or multiplayer
  • Name entering page to allow players to enter name and start game
  • Single player game page - click button of move
  • Multiplayer game page - second player clicks button of move
  • Results page - Displays winner and play again button
  • Game logic to be designed to allow for expansion for additional weapons


  • Features to be TDD with Capybara/RSpec
  • Additional features can be added such as game music and animation


  • app_controller - controls models, views, and routes
  • views - various for app
  • model: RPSExtended - returns string with winner of RPS game
  • model: Game - stores player names and implements logic for game

Create RSpec for basic object functions and implement TDD

  • RPSExtended::result(name_1:, name_2:, move_1:, move_2:, num_weapons:) - String result
  • Game.new(name_1:, name_2:, num_weapons:, game_module:) - Inject game module which returns result
  • Game.new.result(move_1:, move_2:) - String result from game module
  • Game.create(name_1:, name_2:, num_weapons:, game_module:) - Stores game in class variable for persistence
  • Game.game_instance - Returns stored game instance

Create RSpec for webpages and features

  • Homepage - Displays game title and singleplayer/multiplayer options
  • Enter names - Allows entering of names
  • Single player game - Shows name and buttons for each move
  • Mutliplayer game - Shows name and buttons for each move, switches player after first move
  • End screen - Shows winner, offers for game to be restarted

Refactor & Cleanup

  • Refactor views to be abstract which controller fills in
  • Refactor multiplayer to use standard views
  • Refactor result to return each players move
  • Cleanup tests (make sure each feature is tested)


This application is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License