
A dark flat color scheme for Wezterm

MIT LicenseMIT

Dark Flat Wezterm

A dark flat color scheme for Wezterm based on Iterm 2 Dark Flat

Dark Flat demo

📕 Usage

  1. Download with one of two ways

    • Clone this repository locally.

    • Use curl to download color file directly.

      curl -sOL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cpea2506/dark-flat-wezterm/main/colors/dark_flat.toml
  2. Create colors folder if you're on

    • Unix system: in ~/.config/wezterm/
    • Windows: in the same directory as the wezterm.exe (usually C:\Program Files\WezTerm).
  3. Move dark_flat.toml to the colors directory you've created.

  4. Set colorscheme in your WezTerm config

    local wezterm = require("wezterm")
    return {
        -- ..other config
        color_scheme = "Dark Flat",
  5. Enjoy!

💝 Thanks to