
Data specification for an unmanned aircraft system (UAV/UAS/Drone).

Developer Documentation

Below is a walkthrough with code samples on setting up a delivery drone registry and regulations in Stae. We'll start by looking up a city's existing drone registry. Then, we'll submit our drone to the city's registry and create a proposed delivery route. Next, we'll go over how cities can use Stae to develop a basic regulatory framework, consisting of altitude checks, airpsace usage fees, and designating the responsible agencies. Finally, we'll create an emergency landing zone for drone operators to use.

Drone Registry Look Up

import request from 'superagent'

  .query({ key: 'your personal api key!' })
  .end((err, res) => {

This returns a city's current drone registry. To find your city's municipalityId, edit the get request to 'https://municipal.systems/v1/municipalities' to return a list of municipalities. Your personal api key is located on the My Account page.

Drone Registry Submission

Sample code registers a drone into the city's drone registry. This code requires that UAS data source is created first along with a valid api key.

import request from 'superagent'

  .query({ key: 'your source api key!' })
    name: 'Central Business District Delivery Drone',
    id: '54321',
    type: 'delivery drone',
    manufacturer: 'Parrot',
    model: 'AR Drone 2.0',
    color: 'Gray',
    active: false,
    images: '[https://stae.co/drone1.jpg, https://stae.co/drone2.jpg]',
    speed: '0'
    heading: '0'
    tripId: 'Waterfront Delivery 01'
    operators: '[Department of Transportation, Department of Innovation]',
    notes: 'Initial pilot project for CBD deliveries',

    location: {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
  .end((err, res) => {

UAS Flight Path

Sample code proposes a UAS flight path, start and end dates, along with a payment ID for any fees paid to perform this trip. This code requires that a UAS Trip data source is created along with a valid api key.

import request from 'superagent'

  .query({ key: 'your source api key!' })
    start: 07/01/2018 12:00 PM,
    end: 07/01/2018 01:00 PM,
    name: 'Central Business District Delivery Drone',
    id: '98765',
    type: 'delivery drone',
    tripId: 'Waterfront Delivery 01',
    paymentId: '123321',
    images: '[https://stae.co/drone1.jpg, https://stae.co/drone2.jpg]',
    operators: '[Department of Transportation, Department of Innovation]',
    notes: 'Proposed delivery route for CBD drone',

    location: {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
  .end((err, res) => {

UAS Restriction Zone

Sample code designates a UAS restriction zone, lists responsible agencies, and fees for airspace usage. This code requires that a UAS Restriction data source be created first along with a valid api key.

import request from 'superagent'

  .query({ key: 'your source api key!' })
    name: 'Downtown Delivery Drone',
    id: '54321',
    type: 'delivery drone',
    manufacturer: '1',
    ceiling: '121',
    fee: '100',
    operators: '[Department of Transportation, Department of Innovation]',
    notes: 'Initial pilot project for Jersey City deliveries',

    location: {
    	"type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
  .end((err, res) => {

UAS Emergency Landing Zone

Sample code designates an emergency landing zone where a UAS can make emergency landings. This code requires that a UAS emergency landing zone data source be created first along with a valid api key.

import request from 'superagent'

  .query({ key: 'your source api key!' })
    name: 'Emergency Drone Landing Zone',
    id: '56789',
    type: 'parking lot',
    operators: '[Department of Emergency Management, Department of Innovation]',
    notes: 'Emergency landing zone on top floor of parking garage.',
    images: '[https://stae.co/parking-garage.jpg]',

    location: {
    	"type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
  .end((err, res) => {

UAS Data Specification

The following provides the fields for the UAS data types. All data needs to be in JSON with location data encoded in GeoJSON.

UAS Data Types

The fields marked with an asterisk are already populated when you create the data source for your drone in stae.

Field Data type Description Validation Example
id* Text Represents an unmanned aircraft system (UAV/UAS/Drone). Not empty "UAS"
name* Text Descriptive name given to the UAS by the operator. Not empty "Drone Demo Test"
type Text Categorization of the UAS. Not empty, max character length: 2048 "Delivery Drone"
notes* Text Description or further notes about the UAS. Not empty "Initial pilot project for Jersey City Deliveries"
manufacturer Text Make/manufacturer of the UAS Not empty, max character length: 2048 "Parrot"
model Text Model of the UAS. Not empty, max character length: 2048 "AR Drone 2.0"
color Text Color of the UAS exterior. Not empty, max character length: 2048 "Gray"
operators Array List of agencies of people responsible for the UAS. Not empty, max character length: 2048 ["Amazon, FAA"]
active Boolean True/false if the UAS is currently in service. - True
heading Number (degrees) Direction the UAS is pointing Min: 0, Max: 360 "175.45"
speed Number (KM/H) Speed the UAS is currently going. Min: 0, Max: 1000 "5 KM/H"
tripId Text Unique ID for the current trip the UAS is on. Not empty, max character length: 2048 "Riverview Park Delivery 01"
stream Text URL of the live video feed for the camera. Not empty, max character length: 2048, stream URL exists https://stae.co/dronefeed
images Array List of images related to the UAS Not empty, max character length: 2048 [https://stae.co/drone1.jpg, https://stae.co/drone2.jpg]
location Point Location where the UAS exists. GEOJSON format {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-74.0429, 40.744]}