
Build a weather station that reads temperature and humidity. Publish your data to the city in real-time at stae.co

Primary LanguagePython

Building Envelope Data Specification

The following provides the working fields for the Building Envelope data types. All data needs to be in JSON with location data encoded in GeoJSON.

Building Envelope Data Types

The fields marked with an asterisk are already populated when you create the data source for your building in Stae.

Field Data type Description Validation Example
id* Text Includes data about a building's envelope: walls, floors, roofs, fenestrations and doors. Not empty "Building Envelope"
name* Text Descriptive name of the building being monitored. Not empty "City Hall"
notes* Text Description or further notes about the vehicle. Not empty "Thermal Anaysis of City Hall"
temperature Number (Fahrenheit) Reading of temperature value. Not empty "72.43"
humidity Number Reading of humidity value Not empty, percentage: 0 to 1 "37.56%"
type Text Type of fenestration in a building enumeration: wall, floor, door, roof, window, skylight "window"
room_type Text Type of room in a building Not empty, max character length: 2048 "court room"
location_building Text Indoor or outdoor location of the temperature sensor enumeration: interior, exterior "interior"
floor number Building floor where the temperature sensor exists Not empty "4"
images Array List of images related to the building or location in the building Not empty, max character length: 2048 [https://stae.co/bldg1.jpg, https://stae.co/bldg2.jpg]
stream Text URL of the live video feed for the building camera. Not empty, max character length: 2048, stream URL exists https://stae.co/BldgFeed
location_point Point Location of where the fenestration exists. GEOJSON format {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-74.0429, 40.744]}
location_polygon Polygon Location of the building footprint. GEOJSON format {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [-74.0429, 40.744], [-74.0431, 40.748], [-74.0429, 40.744]}