This fork was done, since the original did not do a PyPI release compatible with Python 3.11+.
pyScss is a compiler for the Sass language, a superset of CSS3 that adds programming capabilities and some other syntactic sugar.
You need Python 3.11+. PyPy is also supported.
pip install cpfr-pyScss
python -mscss < style.scss
Python API:
from scss import Compiler Compiler().compile_string("a { color: red + green; }")
95% of Sass 3.2 is supported. If it's not supported, it's a bug! Please file a ticket.
Most of Compass 0.11 is also built in.
Documentation is in Sphinx. You can build it yourself by running make html
from within the docs
directory, or read it on RTD:
The canonical syntax reference is part of the Ruby Sass documentation:
Copyright © 2012 German M. Bravo (Kronuz). Additional credits in the documentation.
Licensed under the MIT license, reproduced in LICENSE