
Interoperability between Polars and Clickhouse

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Polarhouse connects together

More specifically, it allows:

  • inserting Polars Dataframes into Clickhouse tables (and creating these if necessary).
  • and vice-versa retrieving Clickhouse query results as Polars Dataframes.

Communication with Clickhouse is made through the [klickhouse] crate.

│ name     ┆ is_rich ┆ age  ┆ address                   │
│ ---      ┆ ---     ┆ ---  ┆ ---                       │
│ str      ┆ u8      ┆ i32  ┆ struct[2]                 │
│ Batman   ┆ 1       ┆ 30   ┆ {{"Chicago","IL"},"USA"}  │
│ Superman ┆ null    ┆ null ┆ {{"New York","NY"},"USA"} │
│ Batman   │ true    │   30 │ Chicago           │ IL                 │ USA             │
│ Superman │ null    │ null │ New York          │ NY                 │ USA             │

Polars to Clickhouse

let ch = klickhouse::Client::connect("localhost:9000", Default::default()).await?;

let df: DataFrame = ...

// Deduce table schema from the dataframe
let table = polarhouse::ClickhouseTable::from_polars_schema(table_name, df.schema(), [])?;

// Create Clickhouse table corresponding to the Dataframe (optional)
table.create(&ch, TableCreateOptions { primary_keys: &["name"] , ..Default::default() }).await?;

// Insert dataframe contents into table
table.insert_df(df, &ch).await?;

Clickhouse to Polars

let ch = klickhouse::Client::connect("localhost:9000", Default::default()).await?;

// Retrieve Clickhouse query results as a Dataframe.
let df: DataFrame = polarhouse::get_df_query(


This is for now only a proof of concept.

An alternative solution would be to write an Arrow Database Connectivity driver for Clickhouse, and use Polars' ADBC support.


$ docker run --network host --rm --name clickhouse clickhouse/clickhouse-server:latest
$ cargo nextest run -r --nocapture

Supported types

  • Integers
  • Floating points
  • Strings
  • Booleans
  • Categorical (Polars) / Low cardinality (Clickhouse)
  • Structs (Polars), which get flattened into Clickhouse, with fields names separated by .
  • Nullables
  • Lists (Polars) / Arrays (Clickhouse)
  • UUIDs (mapped to Strings in Polars)
  • Arrays (Polars)
  • DateTime
  • Time
  • Duration
  • ...