
My dotfiles for vim, etc.

Primary LanguageVim Script


My dotfiles for bash, etc.


I just source the .bashrc file in this repo in my computer's original ~/.bashrc and it does the rest for me. For example, clone it into your home directory and add this line to your ~/.bashrc:

source "~/.dotfiles/.bashrc"

Vim-Plug is what I use for plugins in vim, and that is easily installed from running the first_time.sh script.



Sourcing the .bashrc adds all my bash configuration to the local computer. Add this to the existing ~/.bashrc:

source ~/.dotfiles/.bashrc


Sourcing the .vimrc in the existing .vimrc will configure vim.

so ~/.dotfiles/.vimrc


source ~/.dotfiles/.tmux.conf


Symbolic linking is an alternative to sourcing these dotfiles when no customization is desired.

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.vimrc ~/.vimrc