exec1 questions

  • What is a functional component?

    • Component declared as a plain javascript function that accept props as argument and returns JSX.
  • What is a Class Component

    • ES6 class that extends React.Component and implements render() method that returns JSX.
    • It get's the props argument in it's constructor.
  • What is the idea with props

    • Props is an object of values that can be passed to a component.
  • Provide a simple example in how you write a Component that accepts props

    function MyComponent(props) { return


  • Provide a simple example (could be a line from the exercise above) that demonstrates how you pass props into a Component


exec 2 questions

  • Would it be possible to rewrite the Clock component into a functional component (provide arguments for your answer)?

    • No, because functional components can't have state, which is used for the time.
  • How do you set new values for state: In the constructor, and all other places?

    • In the constructor we pass plain Javascript object to a state.
    • Everywhere else we need to use the setState method.
  • How is it possible to "tell" React that you want the UI to be updated (re-rendered)?

    • When the state is changed is using setState method,
  • What is the difference(s) between state and props

    • Props are simple values passed from outside of the component.
    • State holds the state sensitive values and when those are changed react re-renders the component,
  • How do you pass in prop values to a Component

  • What is the purpose of React Components Life Cycle Methods?

    • So we can execute code when some specific events are about to happen or just happened, like componentWillMount() and componentDidMount()

exec 3 output explanations

  • ComponentDidMount - prints immediately after render
  • ComponentWIllUnmount - never prints, the method is called on reload of the page, but the reload it self happens too fast

exec 4 questions

  • What is the purpose of this line in the constructor: this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
    • enabled the handleClick method use 'this' for example for setting a state
  • How can we disable the default behavior of an event handler (for example prevent a submit handler to submit?)
    • by explicitly calling e.preventDefault();
  • What is the benefit(s) you get from using arrow-functions in a ES6 class?
    • That we don't have to bind this