
Provides services for the mass-import of complex relational data

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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AbstractImporter provides services for importing complex data from an arbitrary data source. It:

  • Preserves relationships between tables that are imported as a set
  • Allows you to extend and modify the import process through a DSL and callbacks
  • Supports partial and idempotent imports
  • Sports flexible reporting and logging

Getting Started


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'abstract_importer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install abstract_importer


Derive your own importer from AbstractImporter::Base and specify the tables you intend to import:

class MyImporter < AbstractImporter::Base
  import do |import|

AbstractImporter now knows it must import two collections: students and parents, in that order. It refers to this as its "Import Plan".

Parent and Data Source

MyImporter's initializer takes two arguments: parent and data_source:

  • parent is any object that will respond to the names of your collections with an ActiveRecord::Relation.
  • data_source is any object that will respond to the names of your collections with an Enumerator.

Here are reasonable classes for parent and data_source:

# parent
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :students
  has_many :parents
# data source
class Database
  def students
    Enumerator.new do |e|
      e.yield id: 457, name: "Ron"
      e.yield id: 458, name: "Ginny"
      e.yield id: 459, name: "Fred"
      e.yield id: 460, name: "George"

  def parents
    Enumerator.new do |e|
      e.yield id: 88, name: "Arthur"
      e.yield id: 89, name: "Molly"

For every record that AbstractImporter creates, it will assign the attribute legacy_id.

AbstractImporter uses this value to make sure that we don't import the same record twice in case an import is interrupted and needs to be retried or a user imports their old database more than once.

Performing an Import

A straightforward import looks like this:

summary = MyImport.new(parent, data_source).perform!

AbstractImporter optionally takes a hash of settings as a third argument:

  • :dry_run (default: false) when set to true, goes through all the steps except creating the records
  • :io (default: $stderr) an IO object that is passed to the reporter
  • :reporter (default: AbstractImporter::Reporter.new(io)) performs logging in response to various events
  • :strategy allows you to use alternate import strategies for particular collections (See below)

Customizing the Import Plan

You can customize the Import Plan by defining various callbacks on each collection you declare:

class MyImporter < AbstractImporter::Base
  import do |import|
    import.students do |options|
      options.finder :find_student
      options.before_build { |attrs| attrs.merge(name: attrs[:name].capitalize) }
      options.after_all :students_completed
  def find_student
  def students_completed

The complete list of callbacks is below.


finder accepts a hash of attributes for a record to be imported and returns a corresponding record (if one exists). This can be useful for finding an preexisting counterpart to an imported record. (e.g. The user has created the tag "Butterbeer" and tries to import a tag with the same name. Although the legacy "Butterbeer" tag was never imported, it should not be, and any legacy articles associated with it should be associated with the native one.)


before_build allows a callback to modify the hash of attributes before it is passed to ActiveRecord::Relation#build.

before_create, before_update, before_save

before_create allows a callback to modify a record before save is called on it.


rescue (like before_create) is called with a record just before save is called. Unlike before_create, rescue is only called if the record does not pass validations.

after_create, after_update, after_save

after_create is called with the original hash of attributes and the newly-saved record right after it is successfully saved.


before_all is called just before the records in a collection are been processed.


after_all is called when all of the records in a collection have been processed.


The importer's default strategy is to skip records that have already been imported and create records one-by-one as ActiveRecord objects.

But AbstractImporter supports alternate strategies which you can specify per collection like this:

summary = MyImport.new(parent, data_source, strategy: {students: :replace}).perform!

The following alternate strategies are built in:


Replaces records that have already been imported rather than skipping them.


Bulk inserts records rather than creating them one-by-one as ActiveRecord objects, skipping those that have already been imported.


Bulk inserts records, but updates records that have already been imported rather than skipping them.

Important Note on Upgrading from 1.5.x to 1.6.0

With the jump to 1.6.0, abstract_importer has dropped reliance upon the activerecord-insert_many gem in favor of taking advantage of Rails 6's built-in insert_all and upsert_all for the insert and upsert strategies. With the move from the gem to relying on Rails, the syntax to specify what constitutes a conflict/duplicate record has been updated to align more closely with that of Rails. In particular:

  • Instead of specifying an on_conflict: { do: :update } clause, you should specify on_duplicate: :update to opt-in to upsert behavior.
  • Rather than listing columns in on_conflict: { columns: %i{legacy_id id} }, you should use unique_by: %i{legacy_id id} to specify the index or columns by which a duplicate or conflict is defined. The option follows the behavior of Rails' upsert_all, so refer to the Rails 6 documentation for more information.


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