
Dockerfile and scripts for creating image with Cron based on Alpine
Installed packages: dcron wget rsync ca-certificates

Environment variables:

CRON_STRINGS - strings with cron jobs. Use "\n" for newline (Default: undefined)
CRON_TAIL - if defined cron log file will read to stdout by tail (Default: undefined)
By default cron running in foreground

Cron files

  • /etc/cron.d - place to mount custom crontab files

When image will run, files in /etc/cron.d will copied to /var/spool/cron/crontab.
If CRON_STRINGS defined script creates file /var/spool/cron/crontab/CRON_STRINGS

Log files

Log file by default placed in /var/log/cron/cron.log

Simple usage:

docker run --name="alpine-cron-sample" -d \
-v /path/to/app/conf/crontabs:/etc/cron.d \
-v /path/to/app/scripts:/scripts \

With scripts and CRON_STRINGS

docker run --name="alpine-cron-sample" -d \
-e 'CRON_STRINGS=* * * * * root /scripts/'
-v /path/to/app/scripts:/scripts \

Get URL by cron every minute

docker run --name="alpine-cron-sample" -d \
-e 'CRON_STRINGS=* * * * * root wget https://sample.dockerhost/cron-jobs'