
java wrapper around certain akamai apis

Primary LanguageJava

Akamai API Demo

What will we show

  1. Easy use of the API to upload content to the Akamai OTA Update service.
  2. Easy way to use the Akamai OTA Update reporting.

NOTE: if you like to learn more about the Akamai OTA service have a look here: https://www.akamai.com/us/en/products/web-performance/over-the-air-updates.jsp

Architecture Overview:

The Akamai OTA Updates solution used here consist of the following compontents:

  1. The Akamai OTA Update Configuration (Property Manager Configuration).
  2. Akamai Cloudstorage solution called Netstorage.
  3. Akamai API Clients to access the Akamai APIs.

NOTE: in case you are not an Akamai employee and you would like to use this Demo you will need to setup all the components mentioned here by yourself first.


Installed software on your computer

  • Java 8
  • cURL
  • MP3 Player (MacOs comes with afplay on command shell)

Get the java opencli client.

The latest opencli jar can be found under the following github project https://github.com/cpinotossi/akamai.openapi.java You just need to download the opencli.jar from here: https://github.com/cpinotossi/akamai.openapi.java/blob/master/opencli.jar

NOTE: If you like to build the jar by yourself you can clone the project and run the Maven Build script which can be found under https://github.com/cpinotossi/akamai.openapi.java/blob/master/cpinotos.openapi.java/pom.xml

Get the Open API client credentials

You will need to have a corresponding .edgerc file with all needed credentials. In case you are Akamai customer you should be able to get such a file via the Akamai Portal (https://control.akamai.com).

In case you are an Akamai employ you can download the file from here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vp7oWDS1PmurDqDn_Nrgc5NDZdUSYwnm/view?usp=sharing

In case this sounds all new to you have a look at our Akamai API get started documentation here: https://developer.akamai.com/introduction/

Get the sample file

During the whole Demo we will use an mp3 files which will be uploaded and downloaded from Akamai.

NOTE: We use an mp3 file, this has the nice side effect that we can listen to nice music if everything goes fine ;).

In case you are an Akamai employ you can find a nice demo mp3 file here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1asObCLw4_1z3Hsapx8dXaTMRGKM6NEYl/view?usp=sharing

Run from inside a docker instance

If you cannot run Java8 from your machine you can use Docker instead.

Under the github project https://github.com/cpinotossi/akamai.openapi.java you can find a Dockerfile.

If you download the dockerfile and the opencli.jar file you can build an docker image as follow:

  1. Build the docker image with the Dockerfile
$ docker build -t cpinotos/openapi-akamai:latest .

NOTE: The dockerfile does expect to find the opencli under the same directory and will copy it into the docker image during the build:

WORKDIR /opencli
COPY opencli.jar /opencli
  1. Run the docker image as follow
$ docker run -it --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/opencli cpinotos/openapi-akamai

NOTE: The opencli.jar which will be run from inside the docker container will need to have access to the .edgerc file. To achieve this we use the mount command to map our current folder into the docker workdirectory (workdirectory name = "opencli").

  1. Show Docker workdirectory: After the Docker container is running you will be located under your working directory:
[root@0ab2877a9193 opencli]# pwd
  1. List your workdirectory: If the mount command did work correctly you should be able to see your current local directory inside the docker container:
$ docker run -it --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/opencli cpinotos/openapi-akamai
[root@0ab2877a9193 opencli]# ls -la
total 13040
drwxr-xr-x 12 root root      408 May 22 17:13 .
drwxr-xr-x  1 root root     4096 May 22 17:41 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root      118 May 22 14:47 config
drwxr-xr-x 13 root root      442 May 22 15:25 cpinotos.openapi.java
-rw-r--r--  1 root root      852 May 22 16:54 Dockerfile
-rw-r--r--  1 root root     6089 May 22 17:13 .edgerc
drwxr-xr-x 15 root root      510 May 22 17:25 .git
-rw-r--r--  1 root root       12 May 22 14:47 .gitignore
-rw-r--r--  1 root root       23 May 22 14:47 HEAD
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 13306889 May 22 15:22 opencli.jar
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root       68 May 22 14:47 property-manager-catalog
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    14314 May 22 17:33 README.md

NOTE: The file .edgerc is now available from inside the Docker container because of the mapping parameter used with the docker run command.

  1. Call the opencli help command:
[root@31cf2fcc3587 opencli]# java -jar opencli.jar -h
  1. List a directory on the Akamai Netstorage via the opencli.jar:
[root@31cf2fcc3587 opencli]# java -jar opencli.jar -h ota.edgegate.de --edgerc /opencli/.edgerc dir -o /updates/cpinotos
  "file": [
      "name": "akamai.iot.docs.zip",
      "type": "file",
      "mtime": "1519722866",
      "size": "23442906",
      "md5": "e4f60d9629b731b8619beaa8d43508ea"
      "name": "model_1",
      "type": "dir",
      "mtime": "1523538960"
      "name": "model_2",
      "type": "dir",
      "mtime": "1519734200"
      "name": "model_3",
      "type": "dir",
      "mtime": "1519738930"
  "directory": "/599907/updates/cpinotos"
[root@31cf2fcc3587 opencli]#

Call the java opencli client the first time

After downloading the opencli.jar open a shell and go to the directory under which you downloaded the opencli.jar and execute the following command:

$ java -jar opencli.jar
try '--help' or '-h' for more information

Call the help function:

$ java -jar opencli.jar -h                                                                              ⏎
Expected a value after parameter -h
Usage: <main class> [options] [command] [command options]
      Full path to the credentials file. Default: <user.home>/.edgerc

  * --hostname, -h
      Hostname (Property) referenced inside an akamai configuration.
    --nssection, -n
      Netstorage Upload Client Name inside the edgerc. Default:
    --psection, -p
      Purge API Client Name inside the edgerc. Default: api-client-purge
      API Client Name inside the edgerc. Default: api-client

You should see more output but for now we just need to focus on making sure to provide the following two parameters:

  1. --edgerc Full path to the .edgerc file which you did download.
  2. --hostname, in our case it will be always "ota.edgegate.de"

All your request should look as follow in case the .edgerc file is stored on your home directory under a Mac:

$ java -jar opencli.jar -h ota.edgegate.de --edgerc /Users/cpinotos/.edgerc <command> <parameters>

Demo step by step

Upload file to netstorage

The structure of the upload path which will be generated on Netstorage needs to follow certain rules so OTA features can be applied. The upload path needs to be structured as follow:

  1. It needs to be followed by the folder "/updates". Only under this folder we will apply OTA features from the corresponding Akamai configuration.
  2. The last path component of the url (folder) needs to represent a name for a group of clients, something like a model Name or something.
  3. The filename (w/o the extension) needs to represent the name of a certain update/release.



This Upload URL does represent:

  1. "/uploads" the required OTA folder for the used Akamai configuration.
  2. "model_1", a name of a group of clients. In our case all clients are of model type "model_1".
  3. "mozart_20180302" does represent the name of an update (campaign) which needs to be provided to all clients which are of type "model_1".

NOTE: you are free to add us much folders between 2) and 3) as you like. That´s what we did here by adding "/cpinotos" to ensure not to run into conflicts with other users.

API call to upload to NetStorage

 opencli.jar -h ota.edgegate.de --edgerc /Users/cpinotos/.edgerc upload -i mozart40.mp3 -o /updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3
Local File (in):mozart40.mp3
Netstorage Location (out):/599907/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3


Verify if file has been uploaded to netstorage

$ java -jar opencli.jar -h ota.edgegate.de --edgerc /Users/cpinotos/.edgerc dir -o /updates/cpinotos/model_1
  "file": [
      "name": "mozart_20180302.mp3",
      "type": "file",
      "mtime": "1519661946",
      "size": "8614138",
      "md5": "f916b03cb89b80fc3417a08f643cf563"
  "directory": "/599907/updates/cpinotos/model_1"

Like you can see the file "mozart_20180302.mp3 has been uploaded to the Netstorage under the CPCode Folder "599907". This CPCode Folder is defined inside your .edgerc as part of your API Section (ns_cpcode):

client_portal_name = otaadmin1
client_portal_account = Ion_Standard_Beta_Jam_3
client_secret = TvKGAmRc+8ZdbR6d56xdvfKyY0ZWj2njAI8ccPoBtC8=
host = akab-fm3x7q5gk3zmv7ry-mtidyfbxiisjytzn.luna.akamaiapis.net
access_token = akab-qt5wdeg7rpivsw3o-ga6au45akxer6yux
client_token = akab-h4fqhcewzdetbhpz-kfineolyschudoc3
ns_client = otatest1
ns_key = 8t4U9GBPOBm4cvU3EsGw8u3b2BCNr371TAyqqj2c32DsZ3m5Ep
ns_host = ionstandard3-nsu.akamaihd.net
ns_cpcode = 599907

The Netsorage does create an MD5 has which can be used to validate if the content is correct.

On Mac you can compare both on the terminal as follow:

md5 mozart40.mp3
MD5 (mozart40.mp3) = f916b03cb89b80fc3417a08f643cf563

Download via cURL

curl -v -k -o mozart_20180302.mp3  "https://ota.edgegate.de/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3"

< HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
< Server: AkamaiGHost
< Mime-Version: 1.0
< Content-Type: text/html
< Content-Length: 333
< X-Reference-Error: 18.c6f21502.1519994463.134904ed
< Expires: Fri, 02 Mar 2018 12:41:03 GMT
< Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2018 12:41:03 GMT

Verify why the request did fail

We received an 403. In additon we received the X-Reference-Error code inside the HTTP Response Header (18.2d373217.1519662458.bf5d8e).

IMPORTANT: The following call can take a while (~5 min).

$ java -jar opencli.jar -h ota.edgegate.de --edgerc /Users/cpinotos/.edgerc translate_error -e 18.c6f21502.1519994463.134904ed
  "translatedError": {
    "url": "http\u0026#x3a;\u0026#x2f;\u0026#x2f;ota.edgegate.de\u0026#x2f;updates\u0026#x2f;cpinotos\u0026#x2f;model_1\u0026#x2f;mozart_20180302.mp3",
    "httpResponseCode": 403,
    "timestamp": "Fri, Mar 2, 2018 12:41 GMT",
    "epochTime": 1519994460,
    "clientIp": "^ (Client IP - NA)",
    "connectingIp": "2001:4878:8204:310:2d3a:534:b3cd:7d3d (MUNICH,BY,DE)",
    "serverIp": " (FRANKFURT,HE,DE)",
    "originHostname": "NA",
    "originIp": "NA",
    "userAgent": "curl\u0026#x2f;7.54.0",
    "requestMethod": "GET",
    "reasonForFailure": "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED",
    "wafDetails": "-",
    "logs": [
        "description": "Edge Server: response to 2001",
        "fields": {
          "Ghost IP": "",
          "Client Request": "r",
          "timestamp": "1519994463.852",
          "object size": "333",
          "content bytes served": "333",
          "total estimated bytes served": "4388",
          "client IP": "2001",
          "HTTP method": "GET",
          "ARL": "\u0026#x2f;\u0026#x5e;\u0026#x2f;150\u0026#x2f;599907\u0026#x2f;\u0026#x5e;\u0026#x2f;ionstandard3.download.akamai.com\u0026#x2f;updates\u0026#x2f;cpinotos\u0026#x2f;model_1\u0026#x2f;mozart_20180302.mp3",
          "HTTP status code": "403",
          "error": "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED",
          "content-type": "text\u0026#x2f;html",
          "host header": "ota.edgegate.de",
          "cookie": "-",
          "referrer": "-",
          "user-agent": "curl\u0026#x2f;7.54.0",
          "IMS": "-",
          "SSL": "C",
          "persistent request number": "1",
          "Client request header size": "260",
          "Accept-Language": "\u0026#x5e;",
          "SSL overhead bytes": "2691",
          "Serial number and map": "150.\u0026#x5e;",
          "Request byte-range": "-",
          "Uncompressed length": "-",
          "Other-Error-Indication": "\u0026#x5e;",
          "dca-data": "-",
          "X-Forwarded-For": "-",
          "X-Akamai-Edge-Log": "-",
          "object-max-age_s": "600",
          "custom-field": "Geo",
          "object-status-2": "or",
          "ssl-byte": "\u0026#x5e;",
          "c-http-overhead": "\u0026#x5e;",
          "Client-rate-limiting": "\u0026#x5e;",
          "Client-request-body-size": "-",
          "flv seek processing info": "\u0026#x5e;",
          "True client ip": "\u0026#x5e;",
          "Web Application Firewall Information": "-",
          "Edge Tokenization Information": "-",
          "Origin File Size": "\u0026#x5e;",
          "HTTP Streaming info": "-",
          "Reason for not caching (priv/released)": "\u0026#x5e;",
          "Rate Accounting info": "\u0026#x5e;"

Look for the Error Description:

"error": "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED\u0026#x7c;ptk_edgeauth-missing-token".
The term "edgeauth-missing-token" does indicate that we need to provide an valid EdgeAuth Token.

In addition you can highlight things like:

  • "clientIp": "^ (Client IP - NA)",
  • "connectingIp": "2001:4878:8204:310:2d3a:534:b3cd:7d3d (MUNICH,BY,DE)",
  • "serverIp": " (FRANKFURT,HE,DE)",

This parameter tell more about where the issue did take place and could become handy if further investigation are needed.

Generate EdgeAuth Token

IMPORTANT: The following call can take a while (~2 min).

$ java -jar opencli.jar -h ota.edgegate.de --edgerc /Users/cpinotos/.edgerc edgeauth -i /updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3
Start edgeurl:
edgeURL:step1/7: found Property Configuration for Hostname ota.edgegate.de
edgeURL:step2/7: found Property Configuration ota.edgegate.de  version 46
edgeURL:step3/7: downloaded Property Configuration ota.edgegate.de version 46
edgeURL:step4/7: extract edgeauth secret key from Property Configuration ota.edgegate.de version 46
edgeURL:step5/7: extract edgeauth query name from Property Configuration ota.edgegate.de version 46
edgeURL:step6/7: generate edgeauth token with startime: 1519994592
edgeURL:step7/7: EdgeURL:

Download via cURL with Edgeauth Token

curl -v -k -o mozart_20180302.mp3 "https://ota.edgegate.de/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3?token=st=1519994592~exp=1519998192~hmac=bd8400653c4b25a53c6bf1cd14d6c714064be0821cd971727b6392fadcf384a3"
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: Apache
< ETag: "f916b03cb89b80fc3417a08f643cf563:1519994092"
< Content-MD5: +RawPLibgPw0F6CPZDz1Yw==
< Last-Modified: Fri, 02 Mar 2018 12:34:50 GMT
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< Content-Length: 8614138
< Content-Type: audio/mpeg
< Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2018 12:44:24 GMT

Play Mp3 File

On a Mac you will be able to play the file from your terminal via the afplay command:

afplay mozart_20180302.mp3

Send valid OTA Reporting Request

So far none of the request we did will show up in our OTA aggregated reports. That´s because the used OTA setup used here does expect the http request header "user-agent" with the value "device".

NOTE: That has been done to avoid to track all kind of incoming request. The user-agent does act as a filter for us.

OTA reporting request in case of ota.edgegate.de needs to include:

  • query parameter uid (unique id of a certain device)
  • HTTP Header "user-agent: device"
  • URL Path needs to be structured as mentioned under section "Upload file to netstorage".

Example cURL request will look as follow:

curl -v -k -A"device" -o mozart_20180302.mp3 "https://ota.edgegate.de/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180226.mp3?uid=1&token=st=st=1519662859~exp=1519666459~hmac=0999eb705973fa13e57e2a489dd96fe7b707a47391a3e5339d869570e09ef016"

Simulate small traffic load with curl

Simulate 10 request with curl on the command shell (Mac):

for i in {1..10}; do eval "curl -o /dev/null -v -k -A'device' 'https://ota.edgegate.de/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3?uid=$i&token=st=1519994592~exp=1519998192~hmac=bd8400653c4b25a53c6bf1cd14d6c714064be0821cd971727b6392fadcf384a3' 2>&1|grep '^<.*HTTP/1.1'"; done
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Request OTA Report

request a simple list of all OTA request of the last 24 hours for CPCode 599907:

 $ java -jar opencli.jar -h ota.edgegate.de --edgerc /Users/cpinotos/.edgerc ota -c 599907 -f list
UID	Download-Time	URL
2	Fri Mar 02 13:46:03 CET 2018	http(s)://ota.edgegate.de/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3
1	Fri Mar 02 13:46:03 CET 2018	http(s)://ota.edgegate.de/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3
3	Fri Mar 02 13:46:03 CET 2018	http(s)://ota.edgegate.de/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3
5	Fri Mar 02 13:46:04 CET 2018	http(s)://ota.edgegate.de/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3
4	Fri Mar 02 13:46:04 CET 2018	http(s)://ota.edgegate.de/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3
7	Fri Mar 02 13:46:05 CET 2018	http(s)://ota.edgegate.de/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3
8	Fri Mar 02 13:46:05 CET 2018	http(s)://ota.edgegate.de/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3
6	Fri Mar 02 13:46:05 CET 2018	http(s)://ota.edgegate.de/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3
9	Fri Mar 02 13:46:05 CET 2018	http(s)://ota.edgegate.de/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3
10	Fri Mar 02 13:46:05 CET 2018	http(s)://ota.edgegate.de/updates/cpinotos/model_1/mozart_20180302.mp3

NOTE: we used the flag "-f list" to force a list view. Without this flag we would get the raw JSON response.

Simulate large traffic with Cloud Test


Google Sheet Demo


Run your Demo inside Docker

TODO: need to provide an Docker Image