
Code that powers my personal website using Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages 🚀

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Personal Website - cpintoval.github.io


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Code that powers my personal website, which you can visit by going to cpintoval.github.io.

This website is powered by Jekyll, a static site generator built on Ruby, and it's hosted right here using GitHub Pages.

As the base style, I'm using a customized version of the Clean Blog Jekyll Theme built by StartBootstrap (check them out!).

Installation and Setup

I use this as a my own instruction manual, but feel free to use it as well.

  1. Make sure all Jekyll and Bundler are installed in your local machine. Follow these instructions in case you don't have them installed yet.
  2. Download or clone this repository.
  3. Run bundle install to install all dependencies.
  4. Build the site by running bundle exec jekyll serve. This command will start your local server on localhost:4000 by default, but you can change parameters like the Port by adding arguments to this command. Run jekyll serve --help for more information.
  5. Make, add, commit, and push your changes!

Syntax Highlighting

This site uses Kramdown Rouge as the syntax highlighter. I'm using a custom version of the base16.solarized theme.

  • For more information on installation and theme changes, here's a quick tutorial.
  • To test other Rouge themes, here's a neat website to test them out.