Crosswalk Converter

This package implements a conveter serverless function, that can be used to transform html served from an origin service to semantic html that can be imported to Edge Delivery Services using helix-html2md.


The converter must be installed in a project created from the aem-boilerplate, before it can be build and deployed.

Run the following in the root of the project.

npm install --save-dev

During the installation a few files will be copied into your project, some of them may be changed and others not.

After the installation it is required to configure the origin from which the content to be converted should be fetched. This can be done by changing the converter.yaml file installed in the root of the project.

 File  Description Save to change?
converter.yaml  The converter configuration file. 👍
paths.yaml  The path mapping and filtering configuration file. 👍
tools/actions/converter/src/index.js  The entrypoint for the serverless function, deployable to Adobe IO Runtime. depends
tools/actions/converter/src/dev-server.js  The local development server built with Express JS. depends
tools/actions/converter/webpack.config.js The webpack configuration used to build for development, testing and production. 👎
tools/actions/converter/test/converter.test.js A test suite for the converter comparing input html with converted html. 👍
tools/actions/converter/test/setup-env.esm.mjs A script to setup the mocha test environment. 👍
tools/actions/converter/test/fixtures/** Fixtures for the converter test test suite. 👍
tools/importer/import.js A default import.js for the @adobe/helix-importer. 👍


The pipeline has a wrapper to run it locally using Express JS.

It uses the helix-html-pipeline to render the html in way that mataches almost exactly what would be rendered on or

It also takes care of proxying any non-html requests to the local AEM Simulator running at http://localhost:3000.

To run the converter locally, first run the local development server in the root of this repository

aem up

then run the converter using in the current folder

npm run converter:serve

The converter will start to listen on http://localhost:3030

Live reload from the AEM Simulartor is supported, so changing any stylesheet or script will just work as usual.

Build, Test & Deploy

To build the module run

npm run converter:build

or to build for production run

npm run converter:build:prod

To run the tests use

npm run converter:test

To deploy use after building for production

npm run converter:deploy -- <packageName>/<actionName>

This requires setting the environment variables for wsk

  • WSK_AUTH: the Adobe IO Runtime secret
  • WSK_NAMESPACE: the Adobe IO Runtime namespace
  • WSK_APIHOST: the Adobe IO Runtime API host

Implementation Details

The service is implemented as a pipeline of named pipeline steps. The arguments given to each step are:

  • state: the state of the pipeline, enriched with each step of the pipeline
  • params: an object of parameters passed to the pipeline for each request
  • opts: an object of options passed to the pipeline at instantiation time

Each step returns a mutated state object that is the input for the next step.

The table blow shows the named steps of the default pipeline. Input and Output only relate the fields of state that are relevant.

Step Description Input Output
fetchContent Fetches the content from the origin service. { path, queryString } { blob, contentType, originUrl }
html2md Parses html and applies import.js transformations and transfroms to markdown. { blob, contentType, originUrl } { md, contentType }
parseMd Parses markdown into an mdast. { md } { mdast }
transformMdast Applies transformations on the mdast. { mdast } { mdast }
stringifyMdast Renders the mdast again ast markdown. { mdast } { md }
md2html Renders the mdast as html. { mdast } { html, contentType }

After the pipeline is instantiated it can be wrapped for a target platform. There are two wrappers implemented