

EG-247 Digital Signal Processing

A collection of resources created and distributed by Dr Chris Jobling, College of Engineering, Swansea University.

This is a GitHub hosted source code repository. It contains the Jupyter notebooks and Markdown source code for the notes, slides and web pages, Matlab scripts and Simulink models used in the module. If you just want to view the slides, or the printable version of the notes you should visit the GitHub hosted Web Site EG-247 Digital Signal Processing instead. Read-only links to the notes and slides are provided on the Blackboard site for EG-247.

Using this Repository

As I am developing the notes, slides and code examples in parallel with delivery, this repository will not be complete until the end. You should therefore fork this repository and clone it rather than downloding the zip file. You also need to set up a remote upstream link so that you can regularly fetch my changes and additions and merge them with your local copy.

After logging into your GitHub account and forking and cloning this repo use the following command (from the GitHub command-line tools) to set up the remote upstream repository:

git add remote upstream https://github.com/cpjobling/eg-247-textbook

When you want to update to my latest changes:

git fetch upstream
get merge upstream/master

For more on this topic see the GitHub Help Page Fork a Repo.

Accessing the Course Documents

I am using GitHub pages to maintain the course slides and notes. To access the online version please visit https://cpjobling.github.io/eg-247-textbook.

The notes are being maintained using jupyter notebooks. To directly access or modify the notes, checkout the master branch of this repo. The notes are organized in folders, one per week. The source code for the notes slides and web pages is contained in the Markdown files which end in .md.

To rebuild the notes, slides and web pages from source you will need to install Python and Pandoc. If there is demand, I'll add more details to the README.md file in the gh-pages branch.

To access the notebooks for editing and/or execution you will need to install Anaconda using the instructions provided by Hans Fangohr at Southampton University.

Once you have installed the necessary files, use this code to set yourself up for interactive execution of the files.

cd ~/dev/eg-247-textbook
git co master
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate eg-247-textbook
jupyter notebook   

The interactive Jupyter notebooks are those with *.ipynb extensions.