
Auto-adjusting colorscheme in Lua for Neovim

Primary LanguageLua

Auto-adjusting scheme for Neovim

This is a WIP repository of a colorscheme that can autoadjust to current terminal color scheme (which you have to pass to the plugin anyway).

It is written with ConEmu for Windows terminal emulator, which I use in 16 colors mode (see the transform function). So, I'd like to have a colorscheme, that selects appropriate colors from a specified palette and assigns them to highlight groups.

I have borrowed a big part of colorscheme code from lvim-tech.

Additionally, it uses colors.lua library for sorting colors.

The scheme gets color groups by sorting and filtering the palette by hue, saturation, lightness, etc. and selects appropriate colors, then assigns the selected colors to groups (which can consist of 1 or more colors). Then the function chooses one of the colors in the group randomly. So, colors may slightly change after restart, which is OK for me for now.

As said, this is WIP, and for now is tested on OneDark color scheme for ConEmu (I cannot link to the source I found it; rip this colorscheme from luaglitter.lua if you want. It can load another color scheme, which you pass to the setup function in colors/glitter.vim as setup({ {0, '#000000'}, {1, '#cccccc'} …}), passing a list of colors with their number in ConEmu palette and RRGGBB string value.

Obviously enough, colorschemes vary significantly in colors variability, so the plugin in the committed state works nicely only if colorschemes passed are similiar: have one or two dark colors, a few highlights etc., otherwise you'll have to change the rules in luaglitter.lua.


  • Pass the required palette to setup() function in ./colors/glitter.vim;
  • Set the required palette in ConEmu task paramaters -new_console:P:"Palette" in tab context menu;
  • colorscheme glitter.

Edit glitter.lua to set required palette selection rules.