
The deployed lambda will perform a Scan on a specified Amazon DynamoDB table and write the contents to an Amazon S3 Bucket. Table and bucket are parameters of this template. This can be used to create a backup of a table to restore at a later time.

Deploy to your account in the AWS Console using the Serverless Application Repository


This Lambda performs a Scan on your table. If you are backing up a large table you will want to know the following:

  1. Scans are expensive, if you have set provisioned throughput, a Scan may hit the limit. The backup will not complete if this happens.
  2. The larger the table, the more power you should give your Lambda. Consider bumping the memory of your lambda to a higher setting if you get an error similar to:
Runtime exited with error: signal: killed
  1. If you have a large table the scan operation may take a longer time. If you experience a timeout in your Lambda, increase your timeout duration.

Customize the S3 Backup Output Path

If you would like to customize the path or filename of the S3 output, look for this code in the Lambda:

let fileName = new Date().toISOString() + '.json';
var s3Params = {
            Bucket: process.env.BUCKET_NAME,
            Key: fileName,
            Body: JSON.stringify(tableContents),
            ContentType: "application/json"

and set the fileName variable to your desired path. Example:

let fileName = `backups/${process.env.TABLE_NAME}/${new Date().toISOString()}.json` 


This assumes you already have a bucket created for the backups and a table to backup. The bucket does not need to be public, the required IAM access is granted to the Lambda for the S3 Bucket specified.