
A pizza-ordering web application

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An open source pizza-ordering web application.


  • Each customer can log in to a unique account.
  • Customers can setup accounts.
  • A customer can choose a number of generic pizzas.
  • A customer can choose a few different preset kinds of pizzas (cheese, pepperoni, supreme).
  • Basic application styling.
  • A customer can submit an order, edit an order, and cancel submitted orders.


Fancy yourself an aficionadough? We'd love to have you contribute to this project. Please create an issue for any changes you would like to see under the "Issues" tab above. Fork the repo, clone it to your machine, create a new branch for your changes, make your changes, push the changes to your fork, then submit a pull request.


The following instructions assume you already have an IDE installed on your computer and know your way around MongoDB Atlas.

To get Crustomer running on your local machine, you will need to do the following:

  1. Clone the repo to your computer.
  2. Open a terminal in your IDE and cd to the directory in which you cloned the repo.
  3. Run "npm install". This will download all the node modules needed to run the software.
  4. Configure a .env file.
    1. The format should look something like the following:
      PORT = 2121
    2. The file should be saved in config/.env.
  5. In your IDE terminal, run "npm start".
  6. In a web browser, navigate to localhost:2121 (or whatever port you chose in your .env file).