
Some spice for your SQL Korma (pagination, scopes, eager loading, query helpers)

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Some spice for your Korma SQL - pagination, eager loading, scopes, query helpers

Korma on Github


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file for the latest release:

[cumin "0.2.2"]



(ns hello-world
  (:require [korma.core :refer :all]
            [korma.db :refer :all]
            [cumin.core :refer [include post-order re-order scope defscoped]]
            [cumin.pagination :refer [paginate per-page page-info]]))

(defdb db ...)

;; define an entity with a default `per-page`
(defentity person
  (per-page 25))

;; define entity `teenager` merging all properties of `person`
(defscoped [teenager person]
  ;; apply body of `scope` to all select queries
    (where {:age [between [13 19]]})))

;; use `scope` without `defscoped` freely
(defentity email
  (scope (order :id :desc)))

(-> (select* person)

    ;; select page 5
    (paginate :page 5)

    ;; apply custom ordering after result set is fetched
    (post-order :name ["Kyle" "Chris"])

    ;; remove any existing order clause and apply new clause
    (re-order :name :asc)

    ;; load emails where `person`.`id` = `email`.`person_id`
    (include email {:id :person_id}
      (where {:valid true})
      (fields :domain :address)))


Paginate query using the default per-page set on the entity

(select person (paginate :page 3))
;; SELECT `person`.* FROM `person` LIMIT 25 OFFSET 50
;; SELECT COUNT(`person`.`id`) AS `count` FROM `person`

Paginate query and specify :per-page

(select person (paginate :page 10 :per-page 100))
;; SELECT `person`.* FROM `person` LIMIT 100 OFFSET 900
;; SELECT COUNT(`person`.`id`) AS `count` FROM `person`

Inspect pagination information

(page-info (select person (paginate :page 4)))
=> { ... }

:total - total number of records for all pages
:per   - per page argument
:curr  - current page number
:prev  - previous page number, nil if no previous page
:next  - next page number, nil if no next page
:last  - last page number

An additional query is required to gather this information

Prevent additional query and just apply a limit and offset to query

(select person (paginate :page 3 :info? false))
;; SELECT `person`.* FROM `person` LIMIT 25 OFFSET 50
;; NO ADDITIONAL QUERY - page-info returns nil


Specify query clauses to be applied for all select queries (does not affect update, delete, insert, union, union-all or intersect)

(defentity teenager
  (table :person)
  (scope (where {:age [between [13 19]]})
         (order :id :desc)))

(select teenager)
;; SELECT `person`.* FROM `person` WHERE (`person`.`age` BETWEEN 13 AND 19) ORDER BY `person`.`id` DESC

The entity definition could be simplified by merging all properties of person instead of manually setting them.

scopes from entities are composed and applied in the order they were defined

(defentity person
  (entity-fields :id))

(defscoped [teenager person]
  (scope (where {:age [between [13 19]]})
         (order :id :desc)))

(select teenager)
;; SELECT `person`.`id` FROM `person` WHERE (`person`.`age` BETWEEN 13 AND 19) ORDER BY `person`.`id` DESC

defscoped supports everything defentity supports.

Eager Loading

Why not use Korma's relationships?

At times they are perfect, other times queries are not executed as I'd like.

include provides a very simple way to setup a post-query that selects a result set based on a mapping you provide and "stitches" the two result sets together. You do not need to specify relationships when defining entities.

Consider these examples using Kormas relationship features (with and with-batch):

(declare person email)

(defentity email
  (belongs-to person))

(defentity person
  (has-many email))

(select person (with email)) ;; N+1 queries
(select person (with-batch email)) ;; 2 queries
(select person (include email {:id :person_id})) ;; 2 queries

;; 1 join query
;; data is contained in a single map
;; colliding keys are subject to Korma's naming strategy
;; you end up with keys like `:id_1` and `:id_2`
(select email (with person))

(select email (include person {:person_id :id})) ;; 2 queries - no key collisions

If a person was defined with a has-one email relationship, Korma will not allow you to fetch emails in batches.

A call to include must supply a map containing at least the primary key from the parent and the foreign key of the child.

Eagerly load all valid emails

(select person
  (include email {:id :person_id}
    (where {:valid true})))
=> [{:name Kyle
     :age 30
     :email [{:address "foo@bar.com" :valid true}]}
   ... ]

Eagerly load invalid emails as :invalid_email

(select person
  (include email {:id :person_id :as :invalid_email}
    (where {:valid false})))
=> [{:name Kyle
     :age 30
     :invalid_email [{:address "bad@invalid.com" :valid false}]}
   ... ]

Nest include calls arbitrarily

(defentity email-body)

(select person
  (include email {:id :person_id :as :invalid_email}
    (where {:valid true})
    (include email-body {:id :email_id}
      (fields :body :id))))
=> [{:name Kyle
     :age 30
     :email [{:address "foo@bar.com"
              :valid true
              :email_body [{:body "..." :id 1}]}]}
            ... ]

Join any information you want and use that for the eager loading

(select person
  (fields :* [:emails.id :email_id])
  (join :inner email (= :id :emails.person_id))
  (include email-body {:email_id :email_id}))
=> [{:name Kyle
     :age 30
     :email_id 10
     :email_body [{:body "..." :id 1 :email_id 10}]}
   ... ]

Post Ordering

Order result set based on a fn and a collection of values. Useful when gathering ID's from another resource (Elastic Search) and fetching records from SQL.

(def ids [1 3 5 9 7])

(select person
  (where {:id [in ids]})
  (post-order :id ids)) ;; records with ID's other than 1, 3, 5, 9 or 7
                        ;; are appended and retain their original ordering

Re Ordering

(def base (-> (select* person) (order :id)))

(select (-> base (re-order :name)))
;; SELECT `person`.* FROM `person` ORDER BY `person`.`name` ASC

(select (-> base (re-order :name :desc)))
;; SELECT `person`.* FROM `person` ORDER BY `person`.`name` DESC


  • v0.2.2
  • v0.2.1
  • v0.2.0
    • add scope entity fn
    • add defscoped macro for merging entity properties
  • v0.1.0 - initial release


Copyright © 2015 Kyle Gann

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.