
Docker Container for Spigot Minecraft Server

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SpigotMC Minecraft Server

About this image

This Docker image allows you to create a Spigot server quickly and easily. It was inspired by the dlord/spigot Docker image but uses a minimal base image, specifically azul/zulu-openjdk-alpine:8.

The first run of this instance will download the Spigot BuildTools.jar and compile the server from source. This is done this way because pre-building the server would violate Minecraft's EULA.

Starting an instance

docker run \
    --name spigot-instance \
    -p \
    -d -it \
    -e DEFAULT_OP=KowboyMac \
    -e MINECRAFT_EULA=true \

By default, this starts up a Spigot 1.15 server instance. To start a different server version, you can use the MINECRAFT_VERSION variable.

There are two variables that must be set on startup - DEFAULT_OP and MINECRAFT_EULA. The DEFAULT_OP variable should be set to the Minecraft account username of the server's primary administrator. The MINECRAFT_EULA variable must be set to true to indicate that you are agreeing to Minecraft's EULA. Without either of these variables, the server will not start.

This image exposes the standard Minecraft port (25565).

It is strongly recommended to start the container with -it. This will enable the execution of Spigot console commands via docker exec and also allows safe shutdown via docker stop.


This image uses an entrypoint script called spigot, which has several preset commands. If it does not recognize the command, it will be treated as a regular shell command. These preset commands are:

  • run - Runs the Spigot server and is the default command for the container. Additional parameters are passed through to the Spigot server. See the Spigot documentation for those additional parameters.
  • permissions - Resets ownership of the Spigot files and directories. May be necessary after manually editing certain files or creating new ones. Probably not necessary during normal operation.
  • console - This executes a console command in the Minecraft server (as administrator). This command enables most adminstrative tasks without the need to use docker attach. See the Spigot server documentation for more details.


run - with extra args to specify a different config inside /opt/minecraft

docker run \
    --name spigot-instance \
    -p \
    -d -it \
    -e DEFAULT_OP=KowboyMac \
    -e MINECRAFT_EULA=true \
    run --spigot-settings spigot-test.yaml

permissions - update file and directory permissions while container is running

docker exec spigot-instance spigot permissions

console - say hi to everyone on the server

docker exec spigot-instance spigot console say Hello, World!

Data Volumes

There are two data volumes declared for this image. The spigot script will ensure proper ownership of these files on startup, so you may freely modify files in these data volumes outside of the container without having to fool with permissions. If you need to make changes (more likely, new files) while the container is running, you can use the permissions command through docker exec on the running instance (see the example above).

The data volumes are:

  • /opt/minecraft - Server-related artifacts (jar files, configs, etc).
  • /var/lib/minecraft - World data. This has been separated from the server artifacts purely for backup convenience.

Example using local data volumes on the docker host:

$ docker volume create minecraft
$ docker volume create minecraft-worlds
$ docker run \
    --name spigot-instance \
    -p \
    -d -it \
    -e DEFAULT_OP=KowboyMac \
    -e MINECRAFT_EULA=true \
    --mount source=minecraft,target=/opt/minecraft \
    --mount source=minecraft-worlds,target=/var/lib/minecraft \

Environment Variables

There are additional environment variables that can be used to customize the server beyond the require MINECRAFT_EULA and DEFAULT_OP mentioned previously (and the optional MINECRAFT_VERSION, also mentioned).


JVM arguments. This actually overrides the default JVM args. The default for this can be found in the source for the spigot file.

server.properties variables

The initial values for entries in the Spigot server.properties file can be changed from their defaults. For a comprehensive list, see the source for the spigot file. Here are some that you are most likely to want to customize:

  • MOTD


The console feature of this image should provide for most of the administrative needs for the server. However, should you decide to docker attach to the instance, care should be taken to detach properly. When attaching to the instance, you are actually attaching to a tmux session running in the foreground with the footer disabled. You would normally detach from a tmux session via CTRL-b d. However, this will stop the container. Instead, be sure to use CTRL-p CTRL-q, which is the standard way to detach from docker attach.