FitBit API Project
The main Python file makes an API call with a user's Fitbit to access its information.
Authorization Code Grant Flow
The Access and Refresh tokens are user-specific and is obtained from an Authorization code obtained after the user grants access privileges to the client/application. The purpose of the Refresh token is to grant a new Access token after it as previously expired, preventing the need for another authorization code. In other words, a HTTP POST request updates the Access token.
Final Output
- API_call: boolean indicating whether API call was successful
- API_response: Response output of request
- analogous to Fitbit's user profile (.user_profile_get() of python-fitbit object)
- fitbit_client: python-fitbit object containing attributes to access the user's Fitbit data
Python file uses credentials (client/application credentials + user tokens) to access a user's Fitbit information.
Python file uses authorization code to submit a HTTP GET request to obtain the Access and Refresh tokens.
Note: The user-specific tokens are necessary in addition to the client ID and secret for the client to access the user's Fitbit data.