Homekit Pairing Code OCR

This respsitory contains a python based OCR algorithm to extract the homekit pairing code from an image and return it as a string.


sudo apt-get install python-opencv
pip install numpy


  • extractor.py: Takes an image of a homekit device as input, extracts the code box and saves it as a new image to the disk
  • training.py: Takes an extracted image from extractor.py as input, and starts a user-input based machine learning session
  • production.py: Takes an extracted image from extractor.py as input, and uses an OCR algorithm to extract the pairing code from it


Create as many random numbers as you want to and print all of them surrounded with a single box in the Scancardium font. Make a picture of this document. For an example look at training.JPG. Adjust the code_height variable in the extrator.py to return a code_image.jpg file, where the numbers have a height of round about 50px. Run training.py. After the training is completed, change the code_height variable back to 200px.


Run extrator.py to extract the pairing code box from the picture. Following use production.py to run the OCR algorithm.


  • Original image: production.JPG
  • Extracted code block: code_block.jpg
  • OCR return: 601-29-139
  • Training image: training.JPG