
Yocto meta-layer of Native Software Development kit for RDK DAC (Downloadable Application Containers)

Primary LanguageBitBake


# On CentOS-7 switch default gcc to 7.x from https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/scls/rhscl/devtoolset-7/
[ -f /opt/rh/devtoolset-7/enable ] && source /opt/rh/devtoolset-7/enable

# Create build directory
mkdir build; cd build

# Install 'repo' tool from: https://android.googlesource.com/tools/repo
repo init -u https://github.com/stagingrdkm/lgpub/ -m manifests/dac-dunfell-3.1.6-manifest.xml
repo sync -v -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)

. ./oe-init-build-env
cp ../.repo/manifests/manifests/bblayers.conf conf/

# Select one of the target platform
# for ARMv7
echo 'MACHINE = "raspberrypi4"' >> conf/local.conf
# for x86_64
#echo 'MACHINE = "qemux86-64"' >> conf/local.conf

# By default, gfx libraries are removed from DAC rootfs
# Also libglvnd is used to provide egl/gles/mesa
# To use mesa provider instead and not remove the gfx libraries:
#echo 'DISTRO_FEATURES_remove = "cleanup_gfx"' >> conf/local.conf

# Add the following to avoid: github.com[0:]: errno=Connection timed out
#echo 'BBMASK += "${TOPDIR}/../meta-rdk-video/recipes-extended/rdkservices/wpeframework-clientlibraries_git.bb"' >> conf/local.conf

# Test OCI images
bitbake dac-image-wayland-egl-test
bitbake dac-image-wayland-egl-test-input
bitbake dac-image-essos-sample
bitbake dac-image-essos-egl
bitbake dac-image-qt-test
bitbake dac-image-shell
bitbake dac-image-flutter-slide-puzzle

# Or build them all at once
bitbake dac-image-wayland-egl-test dac-image-wayland-egl-test-input dac-image-essos-sample dac-image-essos-egl dac-image-qt-test dac-image-shell dac-image-flutter-slide-puzzle

Building Cobalt DAC app

Cobalt DAC app needs rialto. This requires access to the avbus-poc repo. Extra setup steps:

git clone --branch master "https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/components/generic/avbus-poc"
cp avbus-poc/cobalt/libcobalt-21.lts.stable-6.patch meta-dac-sdk/recipes-example/cobalt/files/


bitbake dac-image-cobalt

Building Netflix DAC app

Netflix DAC app needs several things in order to build:

  • rialto, this requires access to the avbus-poc repo
  • netflix source tarball
  • meta-rdk-netflix repo
  • playready headers from officially licensed playeady SDK

The actually run the netflix DAC app, it also requires a correct netflix vault file on the host under /opt/netflix-binfile.bin.

Howto get playready-sdk.zip?

  • install your licensed playready SDK on your PC
  • zip the installed Device_PK_xxxx dir. Update/check the values for PV and ZIP_SUBDIR in meta-dac-sdk/recipes-core/playready-headers/playready-headers_4.2.bb

Extra setup steps:

git clone "https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/apps/netflix/rdk-oe/meta-rdk-netflix"
mkdir -p build/downloads
cp ~/from_somewhere/nrd-5.3.1-27d5e9003f.tar.gz build/downloads/nrd-5.3.1-27d5e9003f.tar.gz
touch build/downloads/nrd-5.3.1-27d5e9003f.tar.gz.done
cp ~/from_somewhere/playready-sdk.zip build/downloads/
echo 'BBLAYERS += " ${TOPDIR}/../meta-rdk-netflix"' >> build/conf/bblayers.conf


bitbake dac-image-netflix

Generating DAC bundles

Optionally, you can enable DAC bundle generation for a specific target platform. It will use BundleGen, skopeo and umoci to do this. More info on BundleGen can be found here: https://github.com/rdkcentral/BundleGen . These tools don't need to be installed separately. They are built within the Yocto environment.

You can enable bundle generation by adding BUNDLE_GENERATE = "1" to conf/local.conf. By default it will generate a tarball bundle for RPI3 reference image. The bundles are output in the ./bundles/ directory together with a test script to easily upload and run it on the target.

Other options are these:

  • BUNDLE_PLATFORM: use a different target platform. Defaults to "rpi3_reference"
  • BUNDLE_OPTIONS: extra commandline options for BundleGen. Defaults to "-m normal"
  • BUNDLE_TEMPLATE_PATH: path where to find the template files for your target. You could set it to "${TOPDIR}/templates" and put your templates in there. Example templates: https://github.com/rdkcentral/BundleGen/tree/master/templates