Spack Tutorial Website

This repo is for the website.

To edit workshop content:

  1. Grab the source
git clone
cd spack-tutorial/workshop
  1. Edit & test with hugo
hugo serve -D
  1. Create a PR

Directory Layout

All you need to edit is in workshop/content/spack but for the sake of completeness here's what the other directories look like:

├── metadata.yml                      <-- Metadata file with descriptive information about the workshop
├──                         <-- This instructions file
└── workshop                          
    ├── buildspec.yml                 <-- AWS CodeBuild build script for building the workshop website (Note this is being deprecated in favour of automated builds within the platform. You shouldn\'t need to touch this file)
    ├── config.toml                   <-- Hugo configuration file for the workshop website
    └── content                       <-- Markdown files for pages/steps in workshop
    └── static                        <-- Any static assets to be hosted alongside the workshop (ie. images, scripts, documents, etc)
    └── themes                        <-- AWS Style Hugo Theme (Do not edit!)