
A Bitcoin miner implemented in JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bitcoin JavaScript Miner

Current Status: Pre-Alpha

What is it?

This is a Bitcoin Miner implemented in JavaScript. It is intended for use in a Bitcoin Mining Pool, but its main purpose is to act as a learning tool. Feel free to browse the commented source-code and learn more about how Bitcoins are mined.

Learn more about Bitcoin

How do I use it?

Download the full source code and upload it to any webserver. You can then access the index.html file and begin mining!

Does It Really Mine Bitcoins?

Not currently, no. The code is incomplete, and does not communicate with a real mining pool. I intend to add that functionality, if possible, but it is not complete yet.

When it is complete, it won't be very good at mining! It operates much slower than even a standard CPU miner, and so it is unlikely to generate much income.

Current Development Status

JsMiner is currently just an educational tool, and has not been tested on a live mining pool; nor has it been tested for 100% correct operation.

As time allows, I will strive to complete the code so that it works with an actual mining pool.

File Desctriptions

This is a list of the files and what they do:

  • index.html - The webpage for JsMiner. Provides an interface to start the mining process and view mining statistics.
  • miner.js - This is where the Bitcoin Mining is done. It is invoked as a Web Worker (JavaScript thread).
  • sha256.js - SHA-256 functions implemented in JavaScript.
  • work-manager.js - Code to getwork, submitwork, and manage the Miner threads.

Thank You

If you like this project, feel free contribute code, comments, and even Bitcoin donations.

Donation Address: 16TUsJ6ToAxp1a9RmTCGnox99MocGSYLaD