
This plugin adds text object support for separated arguments enclosed by brackets.

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This plugin adds text object support for separated arguments enclosed by brackets.


You can install it using your favorite plugin manager. Here's an example using vim-plug

Plug 'kana/vim-textobj-user'
Plug 'cposture/vim-textobj-argument'

Dependent on another plugin kana/vim-textobj-user, a Vim plugin to create your own text objects without pain


function(a, /*comment*/ b, c)
  • With the cursor on the character 'b', typing daa, would get function(a, c), typing dia would get function(a, /*comment*/ , c)
  • Counts are supported. With the cursor on the character 'a' or before it for example character 'f', typing d2aa or 2daa would get function(c)
  • Move to start of next argument, with the cursor on the character 'a', typing ]a, the cursor will move to the 'b' parameter.


Customize the separator, which is , by default, in regular expression format, refer to :help pattern:

let g:argument_separator = ','

Customize the left bracket, which is ([ by default, in regular expression format, refer to :help pattern:

let g:argument_left_bracket = '[([]'

Customize the right bracket, which is )] by default, in regular expression format, refer to :help pattern:

let g:argument_right_bracket = '[)]]'

Customize motion mappings, default mappings are described in the following section "Motion commands":

let g:argument_mapping_select_around = 'aa'
let g:argument_mapping_select_inside = 'ia'
let g:argument_mapping_move_previous = '[a'
let g:argument_mapping_move_start = '[A'
let g:argument_mapping_move_next = ']a'
let g:argument_mapping_move_end = ']A'

Motion commands

Motion commands on text objects are a powerful feature of Vim.

aa - select 'around' argument with separator and comment

ia - select ‘inside’ argument without separator and comment

[a - move to start of previous argument

]a - move to start of next argument

[A - move to first argument

]A - move to last argument
