
Primary LanguagePHP


This package is Blameable Audit Utility for Phalcon 4.0.
this package was written based on phalcon/incubator.
The difference between parrot and the phalcon/incubator is:

  • add model_id(integer) to Audits model
  • change user_name(string) to user_id(integer) in Audits model.

audit schemas



First, you need to setup composer:

"repositories": [
        "name": "cppis/parrot",
        "type": "git",
        "url": "https://github.com/cppis/parrot"

Parrot was not registered to packagist.org.
So you need to register package repo manually.

  • add cppis/parrot to require
"require-dev": {
    "cppis/parrot": "^0.1"

Getting Started

Now, you need to add code to Model::initialize mehtod:

class MyModel extends Model
    public function initialize()

            'notNullValidations' => false
        $this->hasMany('id', Audits::class, 'users_id', [
            'alias'      => 'audits',
            'foreignKey' => [
                'action' => Relation::ACTION_CASCADE,
                'message' => 'User cannot be deleted because he/she has activity in the system',
        $this->addBehavior(new Blameable([
            'snapshotUpdatingDisabled' => true,
            'auditClass'       => Audits::class,
            'auditDetailClass' => AuditDetails::class,
            'userCallback' => function (DiInterface $di) {
                $auth   = $di->getShared('auth');
                return $auth->getUser()->id;

Let me explain the code above:

Keep the record snapshot


protected keepSnapshots (mixed $keepSnapshot)

keepSnapshots method sets if the model must keep the original record snapshot in memory. we use this setting because need old and new values.

Not Null Validations

    'notNullValidations' => false

The ORM automatically validate the not null columns present in the mapped table

Define Relationships

$this->hasMany('id', Audits::class, 'users_id', [
    'alias'      => 'audits',
    'foreignKey' => [
        'action' => Relation::ACTION_CASCADE,
        'message' => 'User cannot be deleted because he/she has activity in the system',

Define Blameable

$this->addBehavior(new Blameable([
    'snapshotUpdatingDisabled' => true,
    'auditClass'       => Audits::class,
    'auditDetailClass' => AuditDetails::class,
    'userCallback' => function (DiInterface $di) {
        $auth   = $di->getShared('auth');
        return $auth->getUser()->id;
