
Platform for Debugging contests

Primary LanguagePython


Webapp for Debugging contests

Platform for Anokha 2017

Table of Contents:

0. Hosting the server
1. Adding new problem
2. Creating New Contest
3. Setting up Source file server
4. Validator

0. Hosting the server

0.1) Naviage to the project directory.

0.2) Run: `python manage.py runserver`

1. Adding new problem

1.1) Login to /admin with superuser account

1.2) Add problem by clicking '+' sign in "Problems" row.

1.3) Add title, Problem content (HTML formatted).

1.4) Leave nick & Problem_id blank (They are auto-generated).

1.5) Upload Source, Input, Validator files.

1.6) Set source author to "server" for round 1 or the appropriate contestant for round 2

1.7) Choose a contest from the list(Ensure that you have created a contest first).

1.9) Click Save.

2. Creating New Contest

2.1) Login to /admin with superuser account.

2.2) Add contest by clicking '+' sign in "Contests" row.

2.3) Give a name for the contest.

2.4) Set the starting time of the contest. 

2.5) Set the ending time of  the contest.

3. Setting up Source/Input file server:

3.1) Setup the apache/ngnix to serve files.

3.2) Login to /admin

3.3) Update SourceURL & InputURL Model's url field to point to the apache source file server address.

4. Validator:

4.1) Upload validator in "validator" field of "Problems" model.

4.2) Validators are called this way: `./validator input.txt output.txt`

4.3) Validators must return 0 in case of Correct answer, or a positive integer denoting the case in which the solution failed.

4.4) Validate solutions at /console.

> NOTE: Validations are logged at validator_logs.txt in base directory.


When adding new rows to models, Hard reset cache by hitting "Reset cache" link in /console while logged in as admin to get updated views.