This is a matlab code for solving poisson equation by FEM on 2-d domains. It is taken from
Alberty, Carstensen, Funken: Remarks around 50 lines of Matlab: short finite element implementation
- sample : This contains the example grid from the paper
- Gamma : Generate grid by running Gamma.m in matlab
- sinusoid :
- square : Generate grid by running square.m in matlab
bash> cd square
Start matlab
bash> matlab
In matlab, generate mesh
>> square(30)
>> close all
>> clear all
Add path to fem code and run it
>> addpath(path,'../src')
>> fem_50()
Download code
movefile('fem50-master', 'fem50'), addpath(fullfile(cd,'fem50/src')), savepath
Run it
There is no reason to use matlab which is not a free software. You have better options in Python and Julia. For similar codes as this, see