
Automatically scale RQ Workloads in Kubernetes

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

RQ Autoscaler

Automatically scales RQ based Kubernetes Deployments based on the number of items in the queue.


The following settings are currently available:

Setting Description
REDIS_URL The URL of the Redis Server, example: redis://:mypassword@redis:6379/0
DEPLOYMENT The namespace and name of the deployment to use, example: my-namespace/my-deployment
QUEUE The name of the RQ queue to use, example: my-queue
MIN_REPLICAS The minimum number of replicas you want to allow, example: 1
MAX_REPLICAS The maximum number of replicas you want to allow, example: 100
TASKS_PER_REPLICA The split of tasks to replicas, uses queue_length / tasks_per_replica, example: 10000


Via Kustomize/Flux for Kubernetes

apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
  - github.com/cpressland/rq-autoscaler/deploy
namespace: your-namespace
  - target:
      kind: CronJob
    patch: |
      - op: replace
        path: /spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env
          - name: REDIS_URL
            value: redis://my-redis-server:6379/0
          - name: DEPLOYMENT
            value: my-namespace/my-deployment
          - name: QUEUE
            value: my-queue
          - name: MIN_REPLICAS
            value: "1"
          - name: MAX_REPLICAS
            value: "10"
          - name: TASKS_PER_REPLICA
            value: "10000"