
Official .NET SDK for Momento Serverless Cache

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Momento .NET Client Library

⚠️ Experimental SDK ⚠️

This is an official Momento SDK, but the API is in an early experimental stage and subject to backward-incompatible changes. For more info, click on the experimental badge above.

.NET client SDK for Momento Serverless Cache: a fast, simple, pay-as-you-go caching solution without any of the operational overhead required by traditional caching solutions!

Getting Started 🏃



dotnet add package Momento.Sdk


Checkout our examples directory for complete examples of how to use the SDK.

Here is a quickstart you can use in your own project:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Momento.Sdk;
using Momento.Sdk.Exceptions;
using Momento.Sdk.Responses;
using Momento.Sdk.Config;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace MomentoApplication
    class Program
        static readonly String MOMENTO_AUTH_TOKEN = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MOMENTO_AUTH_TOKEN");
        static readonly String CACHE_NAME = "cache";
        static readonly String KEY = "MyKey";
        static readonly String VALUE = "MyData";
        static readonly uint DEFAULT_TTL_SECONDS = 60;

        async static Task Main(string[] args)
            using SimpleCacheClient client = new SimpleCacheClient(Configurations.Laptop.Latest, MOMENTO_AUTH_TOKEN, DEFAULT_TTL_SECONDS);
            catch (AlreadyExistsException)
                Console.WriteLine($"Cache with name {CACHE_NAME} already exists.\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Listing caches:");
            String token = null;
                ListCachesResponse resp = client.ListCaches(token);
                if (resp is ListCachesResponse.Success successResult)
                    foreach (CacheInfo cacheInfo in successResult.Caches)
                    token = successResult.NextPageToken;
            } while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(token));
            Console.WriteLine($"\nSetting key: {KEY} with value: {VALUE}");
            await client.SetAsync(CACHE_NAME, KEY, VALUE);
            Console.WriteLine($"\nGet value for  key: {KEY}");
            CacheGetResponse getResponse = await client.GetAsync(CACHE_NAME, KEY);
            if (getResponse is CacheGetResponse.Hit hitResponse)
                Console.WriteLine($"\nLookedup value: {hitResponse.String()}, Stored value: {VALUE}");

For more info, visit our website at https://gomomento.com!