Recording a Puppet agent/master HTTPS session using Gatling Recorder

Gatling Recorder is a proxy server that can record HTTP requests and responses, and use them to generate re-usable code that will reproduce that sequence of requests and responses for load testing. What we're going to do here is to run a puppet agent and record all of it's communication with a puppet master, and capture that so that we can tweak it and do various kinds of puppet master load testing.

To run gatling recorder (proxy for capturing HTTP requests and generating an initial gatling scenario):

mvn package
sh ./target/appassembler/bin/

This will bring up a GUI for the Gatling Recorder proxy. You can pretty much leave everything set to the default values (definitely leave the ports!), but you can change the package/class name and output dir as you see fit. (When you finish a recording session Gatling will generate Scala code for reproducing your session, and the path and filenames of this output will correspond to your choices here.) Once you're all set on that stuff, just hit 'Start!' to fire up the proxy.

Next, you'll probably want to record a puppet agent/master session. This is a bit tricky because the gatling proxy is basically going to be a man-in-the-middle and will cause SSL headaches. It ships with a self-signed certificate, so with some hackery (basically, copying that cert around everywhere), you can get puppet to tolerate it. I've attempted to capture the necessary certs and config files in the src/test/resources directory; you will need to add an entry for 'Gatling' to your /etc/hosts file (probably just add it to the line). Then you should be able to run the master with:

--confdir ./src/test/resources/gatling/recorder/puppet/master/conf --certname gatling

When prompted for PEM passphrases just type 'gatling'.

Run the agent with:

--confdir ./src/test/resources/gatling/recorder/puppet/agent/conf --certname localhost --server Gatling

That should work with the default gatling config. vardirs are set from inside puppet.conf to point into the ./target directory, but you probably won't need anything out of them.

Once you've completed an agent run, you should see several events / requests / responses in the Gatling Recorder GUI. Click 'Stop and Save' and it will generate the code you'll need for repro'ing the HTTPS request/response series.

Load Testing a Webrick Puppet Master

Start the puppet master with:

--confdir ./src/test/resources/gatling/simulation/puppet/master/conf --certname localhost

Run the load test with:

mvn gatling:execute

The parameters of the test (number of users, etc.) can be tweaked in the code found in src/test/scala/com/puppetlabs/puppet/master/loadtest/PuppetMasterLoadTest.scala

The interesting parameters are the arguments to repeat (~line 51) and the arguments to users and ramp (last line of code).

Load Testing a Passenger Puppet Master

First: get a clean master/agent run working using the master confdir listed in the previous section, to make sure all of the SSL certs are set up correctly. Then shut down the master.

As root:

update.rc-d apache2 disable
service apache2 stop
ln -s `pwd`/src/test/resources/gatling/simulation/puppet/master/apache2/puppetmaster_vhost /etc/apache2/sites-available
a2ensite puppetmaster_vhost
a2enmod ssl
a2enmod headers
apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev  apache2-prefork-dev libapr1-dev libaprutil1-dev
gem install rack passenger

As user:

sudo RUBYLIB=${PUPPET_SRC}/lib:${FACTER_SRC}/lib GATLING_SCRATCH_ROOT=`pwd` apache2ctl start

mvn gatling:execute

Load Testing a Jetty No-op Server

mvn package
sh ./target/appassembler/bin/

In another shell:

mvn gatling:execute

Load Testing a Clojure/Ring No-op Server

mvn package
sh ./target/appassembler/bin/

In another shell:

mvn gatling:execute

Load Testing an Akka/Spray No-op Server

mvn package
sh ./target/appassembler/bin/

In another shell:

mvn gatling:execute