
A ClojureScript DOM templating library based on hiccup syntax

Primary LanguageClojure

Hipo License Build Status Dependency Status

Usage | Extensibility | Performance

A ClojureScript DOM templating library based on hiccup syntax. Supports live DOM node reconciliation (à la React).

Hipo is available in clojars as [hipo "0.3.0"].



create converts an hiccup vector into a DOM node that can be directly inserted in a document.

(ns …
  (:require [hipo.core :as hipo]))

(let [el (hipo/create [:div#id.class {:on-click #(.log js/console "click")} [:span]])]
  (.appendChild js/document.body el))

Note that the hiccup syntax is extended to handle all properties whose name starts with on- as event listener registration.


create-for-update extends create by also returning a function that performs DOM reconciliation based on a new hiccup representation.

create-for-update can be called in 2 different ways:

As a 1 arity function: the argument is then expected to be a valid hiccup representation. It then returns a reconciliation function accepting another hiccup vector.

As a 2 arity function: the first argument is then expected to be a function and the second a payload. The hiccup representation is the result of calling the function with the payload as unique argument. It then returns a reconciliation function accepting another payload as argument.

This second variant is more convenient as components usually keep their general shape across time.

(let [[el f] (hipo/create-for-update [:div#id.class [:span "1"]])]
  (.appendChild js/document.body el)
  ; ... time passes
  (f [:div#id.class [:span "2"]]))

; or template style if the element shape stays similar

(let [[el f] (hipo/create-for-update (fn [m] [:div#id.class [:span (:some-key m)]]) {:some-key "1"})]
  (.appendChild js/document.body el)
  ; ... time passes
  (f {:some-key "2"}))

Children are assumed to keep their position across reconciliations. If children can be shuffled around while still keeping their identity the key metadata must be used.

(let [[el f] (hipo/create-for-update
               [:ul (for [i (:children m)]
                 ^{:key i} [:li {:class i} i])]
               {:children (range 6)})]
  (.appendChild js/document.body el)
  ; ... time passes
  (f {:children (reverse (range 6))}))


Any DOM changes happening during the reconciliation can be intercepted / prevented via an Interceptor implementation.

An interceptor must implement the -intercept function that receives 2 arguments:

  • a keyword type, either :update,:update-children, :append, :insert-at, :move-at, :replace, :clear, :remove-trailing, :update-attribute or :remove-attribute.
  • a map of relevant details

When called this function can return either:

  • false, then associated DOM manipulation is skipped
  • a function that receives as only argument the function performing this specific DOM reconciliation

Beware that preventing some part of the reconciliation might lead to an inconsistent state.

(ns …
  (:require [hipo.core :as hipo]
            [hipo.interceptor :refer [Interceptor]]))

(deftype PrintInterceptor []
  (-intercept [_ t m]
    (case t
      :update-attribute false ; cancel all update-attribute
      :move-at (fn [f] (f) (println (:target m) "has been moved"))

(let [[el f] (hipo/create-for-update
               [:ul (for [i (:children m)]
                 ^{:key i} [:li {:class i} i])]
               {:children (range 6)})]
  (.appendChild js/document.body el)
  ; ... time passes
  (f {:children (reverse (range 6))}
     {:interceptor (MyInterceptor.)}))

Some interceptors are bundled by default.



At compile-time JavaScript code is generated from the hiccup representation to minimize DOM node creation cost at the expense of code size.

The previous hiccup representation would be converted into the following ClojureScript:

(let [el (. js/document createElement "div")]
  (set! (. el -id) "id")
  (set! (. el -className) "class")
  (. el addEventListener "click" #(.log js/console "click"))
  (. el appendChild (. js/document createElement "span"))

itself compiled into the following JavaScript:

var el = document.createElement("div");
el.addEventListener("click", function() {console.log("click")});

Attributes defined via a function (as opposed to literal maps) must be annotated with ^:attrs. This allows for simpler generated code as a function in second place can denote either attributes or a child node.

(ns …
  (:require [hipo.core :as hipo]))

(hipo/create [:div ^:attrs (merge {:class "class"} {:id "id"}) (fn [] [:span])])

Note that using ^:attrs increase the size of compiled code, especially when used with inline id/classes (e.g. [:div#id#class]) thus is best avoided.

When the hiccup representation can't be fully compiled the remaining hiccup elements are interpreted at runtime. This might happen when functions or parameters are used. Once in interpreted mode any nested child will not be compiled even if it is a valid candidate for compilation.

(defn children []
  (let [data ...] ; some data accessed at runtime
    (case (:type data)
      1 [:div "content"]
      2 [:ul (for [o (:value data)]
          [:li (str "content-" o)])])))

(hipo/create [:div (children)]) ; anything returned by children will be interpreted at runtime

partially-compiled? allows to check if some hiccup vector has been partially compiled or not.

(ns …
  (:require [hipo.core :as hipo]))

(let [el (hipo/create [:div#id.class "content"])]
  (hipo/partially-compiled? el)) ; => false


When you know the result of a function call will be converted to an HTML text node (as opposed to an HTML element) the ^:text metadata can be used as a hint for the compiler to optimise the generated JavaScript code.

(defn my-fn []
  (str "content"))

(hipo/create [:div ^:text (my-fn)])


Initial code comes from the great dommy library which is now focused on DOM manipulation. The original dommy code is available as hipo 0.1.0.


Copyright (C) 2013 Prismatic

Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Julien Eluard

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.