
Momento-backed implementation of @ioredis client

Primary LanguageTypeScript


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Momento Node.js IORedis compatibility client

What and why?

This project provides a Momento-backed implementation of ioredis The goal is to provide a drop-in replacement for ioredis so that you can use the same code with either a Redis server or with the Momento Cache service!


To switch your existing ioredis application to use Momento Cache, you only need to change the code where you construct your client object:

With ioredis client With Momento's Redis compatibility client
// Import the ioredis module
const Redis = require('ioredis');

// Create a Redis instance.
// By default, it will connect to localhost:6379.
const redis = new Redis();
// or cluster client example
const redis = new Redis.Cluster(['localhost:6379'], {
  redisOptions: {tls: false},
// Import the Momento redis compatibility client.
import {
} from '@gomomento-poc/node-ioredis-client';
import {
} from '@gomomento/sdk';

// Instantiate Momento Adapter Directly
const Redis = new MomentoRedisAdapter(
  new CacheClient({
    configuration: Configurations.Laptop.v1(),
    credentialProvider: CredentialProvider.fromEnvironmentVariable({
      environmentVariableName: 'MOMENTO_AUTH_TOKEN',
    defaultTtlSeconds: 3600,

// Or use Momento wrapper functions to provide a more drop in friendly replacement when trying to toggle between Momento and Redis.
// Use env vars to configure Momento. See Momento wrapper function configuration section.
// Initialize basic Redis client Momento wrapper
const redisClient = NewIORedisWrapper();

// Or initilize Momento as you would an `ioredis cluster client
const redisClusterClient = NewIORedisClusterWrapper([], {});

NOTE: The Momento ioredis implementation currently supports simple key/value pairs (GET, SET, DELETE). We will continue to add support for additional Redis APIs in the future; for more information see the current Redis API support section later in this doc.

Momento wrapper function configuration

In this package we provide wrapper functions that help you configure wether or not to use Momento and how client settings should look based off environment variables. This is to try and make for a simpler drop in experience where you might be running Momento or Redis based off the environment or Region. This applies for NewIORedisWrapper and NewIORedisClusterWrapper wrapper functions.

EnvVar Name Description Default
MOMENTO_ENABLED Will allow you to toggle between using Momento and IORedis false
MOMENTO_AUTH_TOKEN The Momento Auth token you would like to use ""
CACHE_NAME The name of the Momento Cache to use if Momento is enabled ""
DEFAULT_TTL_SECONDS The number of seconds to cache items for by default 86400


The Momento Node.js IORedis compatibility client is available on npm.js. You can install it via:

npm install @gomomento-poc/node-ioredis-client

Current Redis API support

This library supports the most popular Redis APIs, but does not yet support all Redis APIs. We currently support the most common APIs related to string values (GET, SET, DELETE). We will be adding support for additional APIs in the future. If there is a particular API that you need support for, please drop by our Discord or e-mail us at support@momentohq.com and let us know!

For more info, visit our website at https://gomomento.com!