
Fabric 101

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hyperledger Fabric 101 Workshop


  • Docker version 17.06.2-ce or greater is required.
  • Node versions 8-10
  • Git clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/swetharepakula/Fabric101Workshop
  • Download the Node modules needed.
cd fabcar
npm install

NOTE For Windows users, follow the directions on the Fabric Documentation to download the binaries and images associated with Fabric v1.4.1.

NOTE Windows users are welcome to try the workshop, however it is aimed towards those using unix environments and may not always work in Windows environments.


Start up the Network

  1. To generate certs we are going to use some of the development binaries that you downloaded as part of the prerequisites.

You should see two folders, crypto-config and config.

  1. Start up the network. The script will create docker containers that will run a peer and an orderer. They are configured by the docker-compose.yml. This script will also be creating a channel and joining the peer to that channel. For more details take a look at start.sh

Install the Chaincode

  1. Exec into the cli container. The cli container is configured with all the tools and certificates needed to talk to the peer and orderer node.
docker exec -it cli bash
  1. Next install the chaincode. The chaincode has already been mounted into the peer container. You can see more details in docker-compose.yml.
peer chaincode install -n fabcar -v 1.0 -l node -p /opt/gopath/src/github.com/chaincode
  1. Instantiate the chaincode. At the end of this you should see a new container appear which is the chaincode container.
peer chaincode instantiate -n fabcar -v 1.0 -C mychannel -c '{"Args":[]}'

Interact with the Deployed Chaincode

Using the Peer CLI

Lets us the peer cli to initialize the chaincode

  1. Initialize the ledger.
peer chaincode invoke -n fabcar -C mychannel -c '{"function":"initLedger","Args":[]}'
  1. Query for the data populated in the ledger.
peer chaincode query -n fabcar -C mychannel -c '{"function":"queryAllCars","Args":[]}'
  1. Exit out of the container

Using the Node SDK

Setting up the credentials

  1. Navigate to the fabcar directory
cd fabcar
  1. Enroll as the Admin user. You should now see files under the directory wallet/admin
node enrollAdmin.js
  1. Register a new user using the admin credential. You should files for user1 in wallet/user1
node registerUser.js

Interact with the deployed Chaincode

  1. Query All the Cars
node query.js
  1. Edit query.js (line 44) to query for a particular key.
const result = await contract.evaluateTransaction('queryCar', 'CAR4');
  1. Run the query script again. You should see only one result back.
node query.js
  1. Add a car to the ledger by invoking the chaincode.
node invoke.js
  1. Edit query.js (line 44) to query for the car associated with 'CAR10'
const result = await contract.evaluateTransaction('queryCar', 'CAR10');
  1. Verify that the ledger has been updated by querying for CAR10
node query.js
  1. Edit invoke.js (line 44) to be able to change the car owner of CAR8 to yourself.
await contract.submitTransaction('changeCarOwner', 'CAR8', '<your-name>');
  1. Run the invoke.js to change the owner of CAR8 to yourself
node invoke.js
  1. Edit query.js and run it to verify that the owner of CAR8 is now yourself

Teardown the network

  1. Run the teardown script to clean up your environment. Run this in the root of this repo. NOTE This will try to remove all your containers and prune all excess volumes.