
My solutions to DS, Algos, Leetcode, etc.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


All Contributors


This project maintains solutions to various DS, algorithms, and leetcode questions which can be used for technical prep for Software Engineering interviews.


  • Python
  • Java

Folder Structure

├── algorithms
│   ├── Linked Lists
│   ├── Searching
│   ├── Sorting
│   ├── Stacks and Queues
│   └── Trees
├── ctci
│   ├── Chapter 1
│   ├── Chapter 2
│   ├── Chapter 3
│   ├── Chapter 4
├── leetcode
│   ├── easy
│   │   ├── Arrays and Strings
│   │   ├── DP
│   │   ├── Linked Lists
│   │   ├── Stacks and Queues
│   │   ├── Trees
│   ├── medium
│   │   ├── Arrays and Strings
│   │   ├── DP
│   │   ├── Linked Lists
│   │   ├── Stacks and Queues
│   │   ├── Trees
│   ├── hard
├── misc challenges
├── .gitignore
└── README.md


Before contributing or submitting a PR to this repo, please check the contribution guide.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Rohan Patel

💻 🚧

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!