
Plot dimensions of LDAvis for shiny/shinydashboard

marcelopita opened this issue · 5 comments

Is there an effective way of adjusting plot dimensions (e.g. width, height) of LDAvis?
I am using it in shinydashboard (renderVis and visOutput functions), but plots exceed dashboard body dimensions. Using box doesn't make difference...
Thank you.
Marcelo Pita

Maybe this will help you?
#66 (comment)

Yes, thank you. After a while I was naturally induced to modify Javascript code, although I was initially thinking it could be defined in the high level LDAvis API. But it's OK, solved the problem. Thank you again.

Duplicate of #66

Yes, thank you. After a while I was naturally induced to modify Javascript code, although I was initially thinking it could be defined in the high level LDAvis API. But it's OK, solved the problem. Thank you again.

Hi guys! Did you find how to resolve this issue? Could you share an example? Thank so much!

Yes, thank you. After a while I was naturally induced to modify Javascript code, although I was initially thinking it could be defined in the high level LDAvis API. But it's OK, solved the problem. Thank you again.

Could you please share the code to know how it's possible?