- 1
- 8
Embed LDAvis output to Rmarkdown
#90 opened by him4u324 - 3
- 5
Intertopic Distance Map Label
#59 opened by dcasciotti - 0
Blue bars change their width when topics aren't selected or when different topic is selected
#105 opened by scherbakovdmitri - 2
Error with 2 topics
#54 opened by yogesh-bansal - 1
- 1
- 0
French characters do not get displayed
#103 opened by julieklimentova - 3
When put two ldavis output into one shinyapp, the second one cannot be reactive?
#88 opened by robinlish - 1
- 5
- 8
Recipe for embedding in static page with knitr?
#48 opened by elbamos - 0
CRAN out of date?
#99 opened by Rojuinex - 0
Accessing Selected Topic in R
#98 opened by raynerhayl - 1
- 0
CSS conflict with ScatterD3
#96 opened by Tixierae - 0
JSON.parse error: cannot see the plot
#94 opened by sameiali - 0
- 1
Convert to htmlwidgets?
#74 opened by cpsievert - 0
- 0
Separate out intertopic distance map?
#91 opened by ZHuang4270 - 0
Need upgrade for d3.js .. need d3.v4.js
#89 opened by msusol - 0
[question]Error in createJSON: Rows of theta don't all sum to 1 -How to Ignore this check
#68 opened by easimadi - 6
dist() with jensenShannon returns Nan
#56 opened by lmkirvan - 1
Plot output opens in RStudio IDE and not browser
#76 opened by segranp - 1
- 6
DataTable tied to LDAvis
#45 opened by swayson - 0
- 0
Getting keyword list by salience measure?
#83 opened by jamesLSI - 2
- 2
Does the reorder.topics parameter do anything?
#79 opened by jamesLSI - 1
Support for gensim's AuthorTopic model
#81 opened by tmthyjames - 1
- 2
- 1
LDAvis in Jupyter Notebook
#57 opened by cschwem2er - 3
how to display chinese with LDAvis
#50 opened by niutyut - 1
Lambda slider and term selection broken?
#69 opened by sixtyfive - 0
More convenient subsequent runs
#70 opened by sixtyfive - 3
- 1
- 0
LDAvis URL - DESCRIPTION and website
#58 opened by MarcinKosinski - 2
computing doc.length with mallet
#47 opened by gpcoursera - 6
- 6
- 1
dist() with jensenShannon returns Nan
#55 opened by lmkirvan - 1
Swapping phi, token.frequency, vocab, and topic.proportion rda files removes some visualization features
#53 opened by Graybosch - 1
Definition of doc.length and term.frequency
#52 opened by Graybosch - 1
LDAvis display chinese problem
#49 opened by niutyut - 1