
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

BlockSci UTXOs

Python3/jupyter code for extracting data from blocksci and creating estimation JSON files to feed STATUS.



python3 utxo_journal_main.py

By default, the code analyses the Bitcoin blockchain. Change the value of the variable coin in utxo_journal_main.py to analyze other coins (allowed values are BITCOIN, BITCOIN_CASH, and LITECOIN).


The main folder contains python3 code to extract data from blocksci. Specifically, it obtains data about the sizes of:

  • Compressed/uncompressed public keys in P2PKH inputs.
  • Input scripts of P2SH inputs.
  • Input scripts of non-standard inputs.
  • Witness scripts of native P2WSH inputs.

The notebooks folder contains jupyter notebooks for creating plots to visualize the extracted data. Notebooks can be used after having executed utxo_journal_main.py, since notebooks only plot the data (that has to be first collected with the utxo_journal_main.py script).


Install blocksci and libraries in requirements.txt.